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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Tuxedo ART Job Details

The information in this section applies to defining a Tuxedo ART Job. For additional information about this platform, refer to Executing Tuxedo ART Jobs in the Tuxedo ART Agent online help.

  • Script: This defines the name of the script to run. It is passed to the artjesadmin utility during the job start request.

  • Owner: Currently the jobs are executed under the user that is used to run the agent and the Tuxedo ART environment. This has been defined for future use. The default value is * (asterisk).

  • JESRoot Environment: This is the full path to the JES Root environment so that the agent can retrieve the Tuxedo Job log.

  • Tuxedo Environment: This is the name of the environment script that is called to setup the environment variables correctly when the connection is made to the Tuxedo environment. The name must include the .sh extension.

Variables Tab

Variables tab field definitions are passed as name=value pairs to the Tuxedo ART environment.

  • Name: The name of a variable in the job script that must be replaced with the value defined in the Value field. The name must start with an & (i.e. &TEST).
  • Value: The value field defines the variable value. OpCon properties can be used in this field as these will be resolved when the job is started (e.g., [[$SCHEDULE DATE_j]], [[SI.C102]], [[$SCHEDULE DATE (-1d)]], [[$SCHEDULE DATE (-1M)]], SubStr([[$SCHEDULE DATE-BVH]],0,2), etc.). The Control-T keyins can be used to select properties. The definitions include a special function called SubStr which will extract the characters starting at the first character for the number of characters defined by the second character. In the above example SubStr([[$SCHEDULE DATE-BVH]],0,2), if the date is defined as MMDDYYYY, the MM field will be extracted and passed as the variable.

Step Control Tab

The Tuxedo ART agent supports a maximum of 5 Step Control definitions per job.

  • Step Name: The name of the step defined in the script.
  • Min CC: The minimum step completion code.
  • Max CC: The maximum step completion code.
  • Step Action: Only the 'Send Trigger Message TO SAM' is supported (e.g., JEVENT=SS1TEST10).
  • Trigger Message: The trigger message that is sent to SAM for Agent Feedback. This must match an LSAM Feedback User Message match event definition. For example, if trigger message is JEVENT=SS1TEST10, then LSAM Feedback User message must include the definition User Message match 'JEVENT=SS1TEST10'.

Failure Criteria Tab

The job definition supports advanced failure criteria.

  • Comparison Operator: Defines the comparison operator for the "if statement" when comparing the actual value of the job's exit code to the failure criteria rules.
    • Valid Values: Range, Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Less or Equal, Greater Than, Greater and Equal
  • Value: Defines the value used for comparison to the job's actual exit code with the comparison operator.
    • Valid Values range from -2147483648 to 2147483647
  • End Value: Defines the end value for comparison when the comparison operator is "Range".
    • Valid Values range from -2147483648 to 2147483647
  • Result: Defines the desired resulting job status when the criteria for the line is equal to true. You may only specify the Result on the first group of criteria, and this will set the result for all the remaining groups of criteria.
    • Valid Values: Finish OK, Fail
  • And/Or: When defining multiple failure criteria, this field defines the way the strings are evaluated together.
    • Valid Values: And, Or
  • Anything Else: This field contains the other possible result if the Exit code falls outside the advanced criteria comparisons.
    • If the Result field is set to "Finish OK", Anything Else contains "Fail".
    • If the Result field is set to "Fail", Anything Else contains "Finish OK".