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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Windows Job Details

The information in this section applies to defining a Windows Job. For additional information about this platform, refer to Microsoft LSAM Configuration and Operation in the Microsoft LSAM online help.

Jobs can be .exe, .com, .bat, or .cmd type files. If specifying a .com file, the command line must have the .com extension.

Windows Definition

  • Job Action: Defines the run process the job uses. A job action can be Run Program, File Arrival, or Embedded Script.
  • User ID: Defines the User ID assigned to the job for Windows security authentication.
    • Define "Use Service Account" if the MSLSAM is running as a Domain User. For additional information on running the MSLSAM as a Domain User, refer to Service Configuration Options in the Microsoft LSAM online help.
    • Define a specific Domain User if the MSLSAM is running as the Local System. For additional information on running the MSLSAM as the Local System, refer to Service Configuration Options in the Microsoft LSAM online help.
    • If the User ID does not list the Domain User, register the Domain User in the EM. For information on registering a Domain User in the Enterprise Manager (EM), refer to Setting up a New Microsoft (MS) LSAM Batch User in the Enterprise Manager online help.

Fields for Run Program

Job Priority: Defines the Windows process priority for the job. The options are Normal, High, Idle, or Real-Time.


Do not use Real-Time unless the machine can be dedicated to that single process.

Run in Command Shell: Defines whether or not to run the defined Windows command line in a command shell.

Prerun: Defines the information for a prerequisite process that runs immediately before the primary job and contains the Command Line and Working Directory information.

  • If a prerun fails, the primary job does not start. Upon failure, the SAM reschedules the prerun at a user-defined interval. For information on this Prerun setting, refer to Time Settings.
  • The Prerun job continues to execute at the user-defined interval until it succeeds. When a prerun job is successful, the primary job starts (provided there are no other dependencies).

(Prerun) Working Directory: Defines the working directory for the job listed in the Prerun. A working directory is a requirement for jobs needing input (e.g., .ini files) or creating output (e.g., log files).

  • The maximum length of the working directory is 255 characters (or the current Windows working-directory maximum).
  • The working directory supports OpCon and Windows System Variables.
  • Enclose OpCon properties in double brackets to create tokens (e.g., [[property]]). - Enclose Windows System Variables in percent signs (e.g., %TEMP%).
  • For OpCon or Windows System Variables, verify that the expanded text does not exceed the maximum length of the working directory.
  • Operating systems Windows XP and higher support a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) pathname in the working directory.

Command Line: Defines the full path to the executable file on the LSAM machine.

  • The maximum length of the command line is 255 characters (or the current Windows command-line maximum).
  • The command line supports the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) standards (e.g., \\server\bin\wintst.exe).
  • If a job uses a Machine Group, a wildcard (*) character should replace the computer name in the UNC pathname (e.g., \\*\bin\wintst.exe). A wildcard allows the job to run on the machine the SAM selects from the Machine Group.
  • If the command line has a reference to a directory or filename that contains spaces, the directory and file name must be enclosed in double quotes (e.g., "c:\this is my directory\test.exe").
  • Do not place command-line parameters within the double quotes.
  • The MSLSAM automatically executes .com, .exe, .cmd, and .bat files; otherwise, the command line must specify a path to a file interpreter and must specify a path to the file itself. Another approach would be to insert the command line information in a .com, .exe, .cmd, or .bat file and execute the file normally through OpCon.
  • The command line supports OpCon and Windows System Variables.
  • Enclose OpCon properties in double brackets to create tokens (e.g., [[property]]). - Enclose Windows System Variables in percent signs (e.g., %TEMP%).
  • For OpCon or Windows System Variables, verify that the expanded text does not exceed the maximum length of the command line.

Working Directory: Defines the working directory for the job listed in the Command Line. A working directory is a requirement for jobs needing input (e.g., .ini files) or creating output (e.g., log files).

  • The maximum length of the working directory is 255 characters (or the current Windows working-directory maximum).
  • The working directory supports OpCon and Windows System Variables.
  • Enclose OpCon properties in double brackets to create tokens (e.g., [[property]]). - Enclose Windows System Variables in percent signs (e.g., %TEMP%).
  • For OpCon or Windows System Variables, verify that the expanded text does not exceed the maximum length of the working directory.
  • Operating systems Windows XP and higher support a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) pathname in the working directory.

E.C.O.F.: Defines the full path to the Exit Code Override File (E.C.O.F.). Since some jobs do not return a meaningful termination status to the operating system, SMA Technologies provides the E.C.O.F feature to help create informative feedback from jobs.

  • If a job uses this feature, the value in the E.C.O.F. supersedes the job's standard termination value.
  • Upon termination, the job produces the E.C.O.F. The MSLSAM reads the E.C.O.F. and compares the value in the file to the Failure Criteria (refer to below) to determine the job's final status. Refer to Microsoft LSAM Configuration and Operation in the Microsoft LSAM online help.

Basic Failure Criteria: Provides fields to define basic criteria for OpCon to determine the final status of the job. If basic criteria options do not meet the needs of the job, define the Advanced Failure Criteria instead. The Exit Codes section applies to the primary job and the Prerun Exit Codes section applies to the prerun job.

  • Job Exit Codes: If any one of the criteria is TRUE at the end of a job, the OpCon reports the job as Failed. Up to five different failure criteria may be defined. A failure criterion contains two parts: Operator and Exit Code integer:
    • Operator: An exit code criterion may use one of the following operators to compare the exit code with a user-defined value.
      • EQ (equal to)
      • NE (not equal to)
      • LT (less than)
      • GT (greater than)
      • GE (greater than or equal to)
      • LE (less than or equal to)
    • Exit Code: Any integer (-2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647) to compare with the job's exit code.

Advanced Failure Criteria: Windows jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the job defined in the Command Line. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.


If Advanced Failure Criteria is selected, no job-related customized log entries will be added to the Windows Event Log.

Prerun Exit Code: If the criterion is TRUE at the end of a prerun job, the OpCon reports the prerun job as Failed. After a failure, the SAM reschedules the prerun job. OpCon allows only one prerun failure criteria. The failure criterion's structure for the prerun job and for the main job is the same. (Refer to the description for Exit Codes above.)

Job Output Parsing: Provides fields to define the search criteria for analyzing job output that matches the defined characters (string) and will result in the defined exit code.

  • Search Operation: Defines the type of search operation to perform.
  • String to Search: Defines the parsing value string to be searched. Windows wildcard characters are supported in the string value.
  • Exit Code: Defines the exit code to use if the String to Search matches the Search Operation criteria. If no matches are found, the Agent will return the Windows job exit code.
  • Custom Application Log: Defines an external application log to be attached to the job output log. The external log will be searched for a matching String to Search value(s) to determine the application's exit code. Windows wildcard characters can be used to create a file naming pattern for specifying multiple application log files.

Environment Variables: Defines the environment variables for the job to use. The table lists the key=value pairs that define the variables and their associated values.


The job JobAdded-runtime-Envvar has environment variables defined as:


This job can be added to the daily using an event with various values of Run_Time and Exit_Code.

[[$SCHEDULE DATE]],[[$SCHEDULE NAME]],JobAdded-runtime-Envvar,ap1,1=20;2=20,Y
[[$SCHEDULE DATE]],[[$SCHEDULE NAME]],JobAdded-runtime-Envvar,ap1,1=30;2=30,Y
[[$SCHEDULE DATE]],[[$SCHEDULE NAME]],JobAdded-runtime-Envvar,ap1,1=40;2=40,Y
  • Env Variable Name: Defines the environment variable name.

  • Env Variable Value: Defines the environment variable value. OpCon properties can be used for values.

Fields for File Arrival

  • File Name: Defines the file path and name of the file to detect. The file path and name support the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) standards, and Windows wildcard characters are supported in the file name (e.g., C:\Folder\Filename?ABC*.txt).
  • Sub-directory Search: Specifies whether or not to search sub-directories under the specified file path.
  • File Creation Time Stamp Window, Relative to Midnight (in days,hrs,mins or a token): Defines the time frame that the program uses to watch for the arrival of the file. As best practice, SMA Technologies recommends setting the time frame to be close to the expected time of arrival (e.g., if the file is expected to arrive in the evening, set the time frame to evening hours).
  • File Size Stable Duration (in secs): Defines the amount of time the file size has remained stable to indicate the file has finished arriving.
  • Failure Criteria: Windows jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the job defined in the Start Image. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.

Fields and Controls for Embedded Script

Script: Defines the embedded script to associate with the job. Refer to the Embedded Scripts concept.

  • At runtime, the script and type information are used by the Agent to create a temporary script file in the location of the $FILE placeholder in the run command template. For more information, refer to Adding Script Runners in the Enterprise Manager online help.

Script Type: Displays the script type associated with the script.

Version: Defines the specific version (or revision) of the script to run for this job.

View: Displays the contents of the script when clicked.


The View button will only be enabled for embedded scripts for which the user is a member of a role with privileges to view the contents from Job Details. A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, Maintain Embedded Scripts privilege, View Embedded Script Contents privilege, or must be in the ocadm role to view the contents.

Runner: Defines the run command template for executing the script.

Run Command Template: Displays the syntax for the selected runner.

Arguments: Defines any script parameters to pass to the script at runtime.

  • At runtime, the Agent will place the arguments in the location of the $ARGUMENTS placeholder. For more information, refer to Adding Script Runners in the Enterprise Manager online help.

Working Dir.: Provides the executed script a specific execution context in the same manner as with a standard Windows job.

Failure Criteria: Windows jobs can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the job defined in the Start Image. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.

Environment Variables: Defines the environment variables for the job to use. The table lists the key=value pairs that define the variables and their associated values.


The job JobAdded-runtime-Envvar has environment variables defined as:


This job can be added to the daily using an event with various values of Run_Time and Exit_Code.

[[$SCHEDULE DATE]],[[$SCHEDULE NAME]],JobAdded-runtime-Envvar,ap1,1=20;2=20,Y
[[$SCHEDULE DATE]],[[$SCHEDULE NAME]],JobAdded-runtime-Envvar,ap1,1=30;2=30,Y
[[$SCHEDULE DATE]],[[$SCHEDULE NAME]],JobAdded-runtime-Envvar,ap1,1=40;2=40,Y
  • Env Variable Name: Defines the environment variable name.

  • Env Variable Value: Defines the environment variable value. OpCon properties can be used for values.

Windows Job Sub-Types

Windows job sub-types simplify the job definition process by displaying fields to generate the command line for programs commonly used by SMA Technologies' customers. The following job sub-types are currently supported for Windows:

Command: File Copy

This Windows sub-type is for an OpCon user who does a lot of Windows File Copies. Enterprise Manager provides a simple Job SubType screen in order to copy a file.

Basic Tab

  • User Id: Defines the User ID assigned to the job for Windows security authentication.
  • Source File: Defines the directory and file or files to be copied.
    • For multiple files, use wildcards.
  • Destination File: Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).

Advanced Tab

In the Advanced tab, this frame contains a place to define the options for Windows File Copy.

  • Verify Destination File(s): Verifies that new files are written correctly.
  • Use Short Name Format: Uses short filename (if available) when copying a file.
  • Copy Subdirectories: Copies directories and subdirectories, unless they are empty.
  • Other Options: Used to specify additional options for the copy command. Type xcopy /? in a Windows Command prompt to see all possible options.

Command: File Delete

This Windows sub-type is for an OpCon user who does a lot of Windows File Deletes. Enterprise Manager provides a simple Job SubType screen in order to delete a file.

Basic Tab

This tab will contain the most basic options for the command.

  • User Id: Defines the User ID assigned to the job for Windows security authentication.
  • File To Delete: Specifies a comma separated list of one or more files or directories.
    • Wildcards may be used to delete multiple files.
    • If a directory is specified, all files within the directory will be deleted.

Advanced Tab

This tab will contain all the advanced options for the command.

  • Force Delete Read Only Files: If activated, this option will force delete read-only files.
  • Delete Specified Files from all Subdirectories: If activated, this option will delete specified files from all subdirectories.
  • Delete Files with Attributes: This frame contains options to select files to delete based on attributes.
    • Read Only
      • Select Include to delete all Read Only Files
      • Select Exclude to not delete Read Only Files
    • Hidden
      • Select Include to delete all Hidden Files
      • Select Exclude to not delete Hidden Files
    • Not Content Indexed
      • Select Include to delete Not Content Indexed Files
      • Select Exclude to not delete Not Content Indexed Files
    • System
      • Select Include to delete System Files
      • Select Exclude to not delete System Files
    • Archive
      • Select Include to delete all Files ready for Archiving
      • Select Exclude to not delete all Files ready for Archiving
    • Reparse Point
      • Select Include to delete all files with Reparse Points
      • Select Exclude to not delete files with Reparse Points
  • Other Options:
    • Type del /? in a Windows Command prompt to see all possible options for deleting one or more files or directories.

Command: File Move

This Windows sub-type moves one or more files from one directory to the specified directory. Enterprise Manager provides a simple Job SubType screen in order to move a file.

  • User Id: Defines the User ID assigned to the job for Windows security authentication.
  • Source File: Defines the directory and file or files to be moved.
    • For multiple files, use wildcards or file1+file2+file3 format.
  • Destination File: Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).

Command: File Rename

This Windows sub-type is for an OpCon user who does a lot of Windows File renaming. Enterprise Manager provides a simple Job SubType screen in order to rename a file.

  • User Id: Defines the User ID assigned to the job for Windows security authentication.
  • Path and Current File Name: Defines full path to the location of the file to rename and the current file name.
  • New File Name: Defines the new file name for the file.


This Windows sub-type is for an OpCon user connecting to the SMA Corelation connector to define Corelation job details.


The Corelation subtype will automatically add needed quotation marks around the Connector Location and Configuration File fields.

  • User Id: Defines the User ID assigned to the job for Windows security authentication.


  • Jobname: Sets the jobname to start.
  • Jobserial: Sets the jobserial to start.
  • Connector Location (Required): Defines the path where the SMACorelation.exe program is installed. The default value is [[RCJPATH]].
    • SMA Technologies recommends creating a Global Property named RCJPATH so a token can be placed in the Corelation details and the path maintained by an administrator. The value for the property should contain the path to the SMACorelation.exe program without the trailing slash. When the job is saved, the EM will append \SMACorelation.exe to construct the command.
  • Corelation Job (Required): Defines the Jobname or Jobserial. This value will be a name for Jobname, and the value will be a number for Jobserial.
  • Configuration File (Optional): Defines the name of the configuration file to use. If no configuration file is specified, SMARunCorelationJob.ini (located in the same directory as SMARunCorelationJob.exe) is assumed.
  • Batch Server (Optional): Defines an argument to allow the specification of the batch server.
  • Batch Queue (Optional): Defines an argument to allow the specification of the batch queue to use. This must be a valid queue name on the specified (or default) batch server.
  • Include XML in output (Optional): Specifies that XML messages between SMARunCorelation server are included in the output.
  • Show view submit response: Defines an option that instructs SMARunCorelationJob to show the response to the VIEW_SUBMIT of the job.
  • Include job details in output (Optional): Directs SMARunCorelationJob to dump the job details and exit.
  • Show Job List (Optional): Defines an option that instructs SMARunCorelationJob to display all of the batch jobs that are defined in the Corelation database.
  • Include debug messages (Optional): Defines an option to turn on all debug print. All XML is displayed. This includes the series of queries and responses for the job status.


  • Batch Options: Defines an optional way to specify parameters. Some job parameters are "nested." Each parameter consists of multiple arguments. The simplest format is "tag|value" (similar to Batch Options). If this is a nested parameter, then the "parents" are specified as well. If this value is selected, the Include job details in output checkbox is selected automatically, and Property Owner is optional when selecting Batch Options. When defining a Name or Value, | (pipe) is an invalid character.
  • Property Owner: Specifies the property under which the batch options are nested.
  • Parameters: Defines an optional way to specify parameters. When defining a Value, | (pipe) is an invalid character.
  • Name: Defines the property name.
  • Value: Defines the property value.


For SMA Technologies' customers who own WS_FTP Pro, the following information applies to the WS_FTP Pro sub-type:


The WS_FTP Pro subtype will automatically add needed quotation marks around the WS_FTP Pro Location, Source Profile, Source File, Destination Profile and Destination File fields. If you are using the File Transfer Options field, you will need to include any required quotation marks.

WS_FTP Pro Location: Defines the path to the directory on the Windows Machine where WS_FTP Pro is installed. WS_FTP Pro installs by default to the "C:\Program Files\Ipswitch\WS_FTP Professional" directory on the machine where the job will run (with WS_FTP Pro installed).

  • SMA Technologies recommends creating a Global Property so a token can be placed in the WS_FTP Pro details and the path maintained by an administrator. The value for the property should contain the path without the trailing slash. When the job is saved, the EM will append \wsftppro to construct the command.

Source Profile: Defines the name of the WS_FTP Pro profile for the source file.

Source File: Defines the full path and file name, or the saved WS_FTP Pro location and file name for the source file.


The following example shows a sample destination profile in WS_FTP Pro:


Destination Profile: Defines the name of the WS_FTP Pro profile for the destination file.

Destination File: Defines the full path and file name for the destination file.

File Transfer Options: Defines all desired WS_FTP Pro File Transfer Options. For more information, please consult the WS_FTP Pro Tools Guide under the heading "File Transfer Options". You can download the manual from

  • Be sure to use the appropriate syntax as defined by the WS_FTP Pro Tools Guide. Remember to use quotes to enclose any parameters with spaces.
  • If your job fails with an exit code not in the Microsoft LSAM Machine Messages , please consult the WS_FTP Pro Tools Guide under the heading "Return Codes".

Advanced Failure Criteria: The WS_FTP Pro sub-type can make use of the Advanced Failure Criteria feature for the job defined in the Command Line. For more information, refer to Advanced Failure Criteria.