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AIX System/Symitar Upgrade Preparation for OpCon

Use this document if performing one of the following functions:

  • AIX upgrades
  • Applying firmware updates
  • Setting up a backup or failover system
  • Applying a Symitar Upgrade


Perform the following procedures for each Symitar box you are upgrading.


Installing AIX completely replaces the operating system, including the /(root) file system in addition to /usr, /var, and /opt. You will need to reinstall any software placed in these file systems by third parties (including software by third-party web developers) that was not obtained through Symitar. If you do not copy the /ops/bin and /usr/local/lsam directories into an area saved by the AIX install (e.g., /SY</OP or a home directory), you will need to reinstall RSJ and the LSAM software to your host before attempting to run OpCon jobs on the upgraded server.


Simply performing a rcp copy will not properly install and configure SMA’s software. Failure to follow proper procedures will result in downtime.

Validate sufficient space is available in all mounted partitions

  1. Log on to the old host as root.
  2. Issue the following command in a command window (telnet session): df
  3. Validate that all entries in the %Used and %Iused are less than 90%. If any partition is more that 90% used in free space or free inodes, then files will need to be deleted by Symitar before proceeding. An alternative solution is to increase the size of the partition(s). A common symptom of insufficient space is that tar will give a premature end of file (EOD) message.
  1. Issue the following commands in a command window: cd /usr/local
  2. ls -l Then, press Enter.
  3. Make note of WHERE the link of the LSAM is pointing. It should appear similar to the following: lsam -> /usr/local/lsam_<version>

Validate the LSAM Port in Enterprise Manager


The default Port (Socket Number) for the OpCon LSAM is 3100. In some cases, you may have the LSAM on a different Port. This document assumes Port 3100. If your Port does not match, replace all commands for 3100 with the Port specified in Enterprise Manager for your LSAM.

  1. Open Enterprise Manager.
  2. Under the Administration topic, double-click Machines.
  3. Under Select Machine, select the UNIX Machine to be upgraded from the drop-down list.
  4. Under General Settings, make note of the Socket Number specified.

To save SAM OpCon/xps Files located in /ops/bin and /usr/local/lsam


UNIX is case-sensitive. Please enter all commands in the case presented.

  1. Disable Job Starts to the machine.
  2. Wait for all jobs to finish for that machine.
  3. Mark the AIX machine down in OpCon/xps.
  4. Log on to the old host as root.
  5. Issue the following commands in a command window :
  6. cd /usr/local/lsam (or where your LSAM is located).
  7. bin/lsam3100 stop
  8. cd /
  9. tar -cvf /tmp/sma_ops.tar ops
  10. cd /usr
  11. tar -cvf /tmp/sma_local.tar local
  12. Re-validate that sufficient space exists in all disk partitions and that no premature end of file (EOF) messages were received during the tar process.
  13. From a PC, transfer the files /tmp/sma_ops.tar and /tmp/sma_local.tar via FTP to the PC in binary mode.

Failure to transfer the files in binary mode will cause corruption to the tar files.

To restore SMA Files

  1. In binary mode, transfer the file sma_ops.tar and sma_local.tar to /tmp on the Symitar box. Failure to transfer the files in binary mode will cause corruption to the tar files.
  2. Issue the following commands in a command window :
  3. cd /
  4. tar -xvf /tmp/sma_ops.tar
  5. Verify files exist in ops/bin by entering the following: ls –l /ops/bin
  6. cd /usr
  7. tar -xvf /tmp/sma_local.tar
  8. Verify files exist in usr/local/lsam/bin by entering the following : ls –la /usr/local/lsam/bin
  9. Run the following command to insure that the agent will start automatically when the host is rebooted:
  10. cd /usr/local/lsam
  11. then enter: bin/install_lsam_service pwd 3100

The ``` around pwd is a tick not a single quote. This symbol is located above the left-hand Tab key.

  1. If the procedure above does not work, run the following command:
  2. cd /usr/local/lsam
  3. then enter: ./bin/install_lsam_service pwd 3100
  4. Start your UNIX LSAM then enter the following in a command window:
  5. cd /usr/local/lsam
  6. then enter: bin/lsam3100 start
  7. Start Communication for the UNIX machine in OpCon using the following steps:
  8. Open Enterprise Manager.
  9. Under the Administration topic, double-click Machines.
  10. Under Select Machine, select the UNIX Machine to be started.
  11. Under Communication Status, right-click over the graphic to enable the menu, then click Start Communication.