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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Managing Notification Settings

Required Privileges

In order to configure the Notification setting, you must have one of the following:

  • Role: Role_ocadm.
  • Function Privilege: Maintian server options.

Configuring Notification

To configure Notifications Settings, go to Library > Server Options > click on the NOTIFICATIONS tab.

A screen showing notification settings under server options

*The table below shows default values for each settings. If user changes the default value of a setting, An user icon representing value changed by user icon will show next to the field.

Configuration Options

The Notification settings tab includes SPO & SNMP Settings, as well as Automatic License Renewal Notification settings.

SettingDefault ValueRequiredDescription
Maximum Log File Size150000YDefines the maximum size in bytes for each log file. Determines when the current log file is closed and a new file is started. When the file reaches this maximum size, it is "rolled over." Valid range: 50000-500000
Trace LevelNoneNDetermines the detail of debug trace logs. Valid options: "None", "Basic", "Detailed", "Very Detailed"
Include Labels in NotificationsTRUEYThis parameter enables/disables the inclusion of labels for Machine Name, Schedule Name, Job Name, and so forth in notification messages. This setting applies to all notification types except "Text Message." Valid options: True/False
Include Machine Name in NotificationsTRUEYThis parameter enables/disables inclusion of the Machine Name in notification messages. This setting applies to all notification types except "Text Message." Valid options: True, False
Notification Delimiter|YThis parameter determines the delimiter used between fields in notification messages. This delimiter allows third-party notification tools to easier read messages. Valid options: tilde (~), "at" symbol (@), exclamation mark (!), pound sign (#), dollar sign ($), caret symbol (^), pipe symbol ( | )
Seconds between Checking for New Notifications20YThis parameter defines the delay in seconds between searches for new events in the NOTIFY table. Valid range: 5-20
Days to Keep Notification History14YDefines the number of days of Notification history to keep in the database. Valid range: 1-35
Event Source for Windows Event Log MessagesOPCON_ENSYThis parameter defines the event source that show up in the Source column in the Windows Event Viewer. Valid options: OPCON_ENS, SMANotifyHandler
SPO Notifications EnabledFALSEYThis parameter enables/disables processing of SPO events by the SMA Notify Handler. Valid options: True/False
Path and File Name of SPO Executable<blank>NThis parameter defines the full path to the executable responsible for processing SPO messages. Constraints: max 4000 characters, ' (single quote) invalid character
SPO Default Alarm ID<None>NThis parameter is the default machine name for SPO Events. Constraints: max 24 characters, ' (single quote) invalid character
Stack SPO EventsTRUEYThis parameter enables/disables the SMA Notify Handler to make the ALARM qualifier unique across multiple job states. Valid options: True/False
SNMP Notifications EnabledFALSEYThis parameter enables/disables processing of SNMP events by the SMA Notify Handler. Valid options: True/False
Write SPO and SNMP Event Failures to the Windows Event LogTRUEYThis parameter enables/disables the SMA Notify Handler to write SNMP or SPO event failures to the Windows Event Log. Valid options: True/False
Send Email Cc<Blank>NFor all customers, this parameter configures the list of email addresses that will be copied when the SAM automatically sends license expiration notices. For customers with a Task-based license, this parameter also configures the list of email addresses that will be copied when SAM automatically sends the license notification at the beginning of each month to SMA. Enter one or more SMTP email addresses separated by semicolons (;). Constraint: max 4000 characters
Encrypt Task License ReportFALSEYFor customers with a Task-based license, this parameter determines if the SAM will encrypt the data for the license reports. Valid options: True/False
Send Email to SMA OfficeDisabledNThis parameter determines if SAM will automatically send email notifications to an SMA office when: The license is expiring -or- At the beginning of the month, the task count report is due for Task Based licensed customers. The value of Disabled will disable the SAM from automatically sending email to SMA. Instead, the SAM will write the information to the SAM.log and Critical.log files. Valid options: "Disabled", "Europe", "USA"