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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Managing Vision Settings

Required Privileges

In order to configure the Vision setting, you must have one of the following:

  • Role: Role_ocadm.
  • Function Privilege: Maintian server options.

Configuring Vision

To configure Vision Settings, go to Library > Server Options > click on the VISION tab.

A screen showing vision settings under server options

*The table below shows default values for each settings. If user changes the default value of a setting, the An user icon representing value changed by user icon will show next to the field.

Configuration Options

SettingDefault ValueRequiredDescription
Days of Vision history to keep3650YThis parameter defines the number of days Vision data will be retained.
Days in past to trigger Vision actions1YThis parameter defines the number of days in the past to use for triggering Vision Actions.
Days in future to trigger Vision actions1YThis parameter defines the number of days in the future to use for triggering Vision Actions.