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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Adding Master Jobs

Required Privileges

In order to add a master job, you must have at least all of the following privileges:

  • Departmental Function Privilege: User must be at least in a role that has All Function Privileges, Add Jobs To Master Schedules or All Job Master Functions.

Adding a Job

To add a Master Job, go to Library > Master Jobs.

Select Add. The Master Job Details page is displayed:

Master Job Details

  1. Select a Schedule.

  2. Enter a Name.

  3. Select a Job Type.

  4. Select a Department.

  5. Select an Access Code.

  6. (Optional) Select the Disable Build checkbox. For more information, refer to Jobs in the Concepts online help.

  7. (Optional) Select the Allow Multi-Instance checkbox. For more information, refer to Multi-Instance Jobs in the Concepts online help.

  8. Expand the Task Details section and enter the Task Details according to the Job Type.

  9. Select Save.

Job Types

Select any of the following links to access instructions for defining platform-specific job information:

Additional Job Information

Select any of the following links to access instructions for defining additional job information: