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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Viewing and Updating Documentation

The Documentation panel in Daily Job Definition displays the documentation relating to the job and frequency of the job and may include hyperlinks that are clickable in Read-only mode.

  • The panel can be placed in Full Screen mode by simply clicking the icon (Full Screen Panel Icon     ) to the far-right side of the panel bar. Escape Full Screen mode by clicking on the icon again.
  • When the panel contains defined properties, a blue circular indicator containing a number (Job Properties     Indicator) will appear to the right of the panel name to indicate the number of properties that have been defined.

Adding or Updating Documentation

In Admin mode, documentation properties can be updated. For conceptual information, refer to Documentation in the Concepts online help.


Only those with the appropriate permissions will have access to the Lock button and can update job properties. For details about privileges, refer to Required Privileges in the Accessing Daily Job Definition topic.


Changes made to the job properties in the Daily Job Definition will take place immediately. If the job has already run, the changes will take effect the next time the job runs.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Click on the Processes button at the top-right of the Operations Summary page. The Processes page will display.
  2. Ensure that both the Date and Schedule toggle switches are enabled so that you can make your date and schedule selection, respectively. Each switch will appear green when enabled.
  3. Select the desired date(s) to display the associated schedule(s).
  4. Select one or more schedule(s) in the list.
  5. Select one job in the list. A record of your selection will display in the status bar at the bottom of the page in the form of a breadcrumb trail.
  6. Click on the job record (e.g., 1 job(s)) in the status bar to display the Selection panel.
  7. Click the Daily Job Definition button Daily Job Definition     Button at the top-left corner of the panel to access the Daily Job Definition page. By default, this page will be in Read-only mode.
  8. Click the Lock button Daily Job Definition Read-only     Button at the top-right corner to place the page in Admin mode. The button will switch to display a white lock unlocked on a green background Daily Job Definition Admin     Switch when enabled.
  9. Expand the Documentation panel to expose its content.
  10. Enter the changes to the Job and/or Frequency frames. Hyperlinks may be included in the documentation information.
  11. Click the Save button.
