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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Administrative Stored Procedures

SMA Technologies provides several scripts and supplemental SQL stored procedures to aid in managing OpCon:


A SQL user without administrator privileges must be a member of the "opconspuser" role to use the administrative stored procedures.


The SMA_CHGMACHINE stored procedure increases job-processing performance by changing a heavily used LSAM machine's ID to 1. Because the SAM operates in a processing loop, the machine with an ID of 1 receives slightly more processing time. It is common for less critical machines to be tested first with OpCon; therefore, this causes more critical machines to have higher machine IDs. This stored procedure allows the OpCon administrator to move a critical production LSAM to the beginning of the processing loop.




The stored procedure uses the following parameter:

  • <Machine Name>: The name of the LSAM whose MachineID is changed to 1.

Changing a Machine's ID

To change the Machine ID of an LSAM, you must execute SMA_CHGMACHINE then stop and restart the SMA Service Manager. Follow the procedure provided to do so.

To change the LSAM Machine ID:


On the OpCon Database Server:

Log in as a local administrative user.

Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.

In the Connect to Server dialog:

Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.

Select the desired [OpCon Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.

Select one of the following options in the Authentication drop-down list:

  • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
  • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in then Password text box.

Click the Connect button.

In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window:

Expand (+) the Databases folder and select the OpCon Database.

Click the New Query button on the toolbar.

Enter the command for the SMA_CHGMACHINE stored procedure.


The command for the SMA_CHGMACHINE stored procedure:


Click the Execute button on the toolbar or press F5 to execute the query.

Stop and Restart the SMA Service Manager

  1. Log in as a Windows user with Local Administrative Rights.
  2. Use menu path: Start > Control Panel.
  3. Double-click Administrative Tools.
  4. Double-click the Services icon.
  5. Scroll through the list and select the SMA Service Manager.
  6. Click the Stop button on the toolbar.
  7. Click the Start button when the SMA Service Manager has stopped.
  8. Click OK to exit.


The SMA_CHG_UNIX_GIDUID stored procedure changes a Group ID and/or User ID in the UNIX job details either for all schedules or for a single schedule. This stored procedure is valid only for jobs running on Machines with Non-XML formatted data.




The wrapping of the syntax in this document does not indicate the location of a carriage return; the ↵ indicates the location of a carriage return.


The following describes the parameters for the stored procedure:

  • OLDGID: The existing UNIX Group ID the stored procedure is looking for.
    • The UNIX Group ID must not exceed seven characters.
    • Specifying NULL (without the quotation marks) for the OLDGID causes the stored procedure to ignore the Group ID while searching for records to update.
  • NEWGID: The updated UNIX Group ID.
    • The UNIX Group ID must not exceed seven characters.
    • Specifying NULL (without the quotation marks) for the NEWGID causes the Group ID to remain at its current value.
  • OLDUID: The existing UNIX User ID the stored procedure is looking for.
    • The UNIX User ID must not exceed seven characters.
    • Specifying NULL (without the quotation marks) for the OLDUID causes the stored procedure to ignore the User ID while searching for records to update.
  • NEWUID: The updated UNIX User ID.
    • The UNIX User ID must not exceed seven characters.
    • Specifying NULL (without the quotation marks) for the NEWUID causes the User ID to remain at its current value.
  • SKDNAME: The name of the target schedule.
    • The schedule name must not exceed 255 characters.
    • Specifying NULL (without the quotation marks) for the SKDNAME causes any changes to occur to all schedules in the database.



With the following command, the stored procedure only affects rows with both a Group ID of 123 and a User ID of 45:

EXEC SMA_CHG_UNIX_GIDUID '123','789','45','56',NULL

With the following command, all UNIX jobs have the Group ID set to 789 and the User ID set to 56:



Follow the procedure provided to execute the stored procedure.

To execute the stored procedure:

On the OpCon Database Server:

Log in as a local administrative user.

Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.

In the Connect to Server dialog:

Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.

Select the desired [OpCon Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.

Select one of the following options in the Authentication drop-down list:

  • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
  • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in then Password text box.

Click the Connect button.

In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window:

Expand (+) the Databases folder and select the OpCon Database.

Click the New Query button on the toolbar.

Enter the command for the SMA_CHG_UNIX_GIDUID stored procedure.

EXEC SMA_CHG_UNIX_GIDUID '123','789','45','56',NULL

- or -


Click the Execute button on the toolbar or press F5 to execute the query.


The SMA_CLEAN_ENS stored procedure cleans up "orphaned" entries in the ENSSELECTED table of the OpCon database.


This process is irreversible. SMA Technologies recommends backing up the database before executing SMA_CLEAN_ENS.

The stored procedure performs the following actions:

  • Updates an ENSSELECTED table record with the latest machine/schedule name if:
    • A machine name in ENSSELECTED does not match the name in the main machine (MACHS) table.
    • A schedule name in ENSSELECTED does not match the name in the main schedule (SNAME) table.
  • Deletes an ENSSELECTED record if:
    • Duplicate entries.
    • A group of machine triggers in ENSSELECTED contains a machine ID that does not exist in the main machine (MACHS) table.
    • A schedule's ID in ENSSELECTED does not exist in the main schedule (SNAME) table.
    • A schedule in ENSSELECTED contains a job ID that does not exist in the main job (JMASTER) table.


Follow the procedure provided to execute the stored procedure.

To execute the stored procedure:

On the OpCon Database Server:

Log in as a local administrative user.

Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.

In the Connect to Server dialog:

Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.

Select the desired [OpCon Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.

Select one of the following options in the Authentication drop-down list:

  • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
  • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in then Password text box.

Click the Connect button.

In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window:

Expand (+) the Databases folder and select the OpCon Database.

Click the New Query button on the toolbar.

Enter the command for the SMA_CLEAN_ENS stored procedure.



Click the Execute button on the toolbar or press F5 to execute the query.

View the feedback from the stored procedure.


The following is a summary displayed by the execution of SMA CLEAN_ENS:



The SMA_CLEARSCHED stored procedure will delete all jobs in a schedule and retain all of the Schedule information and history. It also retains all of the associated privileges for the schedule. This is useful when you have used Schedule Extract to save versions of a schedule, and you want to restore an old version without losing all the schedule related information.


This process is irreversible. SMA Technologies recommends backing up the database before executing SMA_CLEARSCHED.




The stored procedure uses the following parameter:

  • <ScheduleName>: The name of the schedule from which the jobs will be cleared.
    • The schedule name must not exceed 40 characters.
    • Enclose the schedule name in single quotation marks (e.g., 'Production Schedule').


The SMA_COPYSCHED stored procedure copies a schedule and all of its jobs to a new schedule. The procedure copies all details, frequencies, frequency priorities, documentation, job dependencies, threshold dependencies, thresholds, and events with each job.


Declare \@errorcode int

Declare \@errortext Varchar(255)


exec SMA_COPYSCHED '<SourceSchedule>'


,'Copy Privileges (Y/N)'

,'Copy Jobs (Y/N)'

,\@errorcode OUTPUT

,\@errortext OUTPUT

Print convert (Char(5), \@errorcode) + ' ' + \@errortext



The following describes the parameters for the stored procedure:

  • <SourceSchedule>: The name of the schedule to copy.
    • The schedule name must not exceed forty (40) characters.
    • Enclose the schedule name in single quotation marks (e.g., 'Schedule Name').
  • <TargetSchedule>: The name of the new schedule for the stored procedure to create.
    • The schedule name must not exceed forty (40) characters.
    • Enclose the schedule name in single quotation marks (e.g., 'New Schedule').
  • Copy Privileges (Y/N): Indicates if the privileges for the schedule should be copied to the new schedule. Enclose the Y or N in single quotation marks (e.g., 'Y').
    • Y indicates Yes.
    • N indicates No.
  • Copy Jobs (Y/N): Indicates if the jobs in the schedule should be copied to the new schedule or not. Enclose the Y or N in single quotation marks (e.g., 'Y').
    • Y = Yes
    • N = No
  • \@errorcode: A variable to get the exit code from SQL server returned in the output.
  • \@errortext: A variable to get the text description of the error code returned in the \@errorcode variable.


Follow the procedure provided to execute the stored procedure.

To execute the stored procedure:

On the OpCon Database Server:

Log in as a local administrative user.

Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.

In the Connect to Server dialog:

Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.

Select the desired [OpCon Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.

Select one of the following options in the Authentication drop-down list:

  • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
  • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in then Password text box.

Click the Connect button.

In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window:

Expand (+) the Databases folder and select the OpCon Database.

Click the New Query button on the toolbar.

Copy and paste the following syntax into the query window:

Declare @errorcode int
Declare @errortext Varchar(255)

exec SMA_COPYSCHED '<SourceSchedule>'
,'Copy Privileges (Y/N)'
,'Copy Jobs (Y/N)'
,@errorcode OUTPUT
,@errortext OUTPUT
Print convert (Char(5), @errorcode) + ' ' + @errortext

Replace the parameters with the desired information, as shown in the example:

Declare @errorcode int
Declare @errortext Varchar(255)

exec SMA_COPYSCHED 'Development'
,@errorcode OUTPUT
,@errortext OUTPUT
Print convert (Char(5), @errorcode) + ' ' + @errortext

Click the Execute button on the toolbar or press F5 to execute the query.


The SMA_DELETESCHED stored procedure completely deletes a schedule from the OpCon database. It removes all of the jobs from the Daily schedule and from the Master schedule. It also deletes the schedule record and the holiday calendar associated with that schedule. All dependencies between jobs are also removed. If jobs that still remain in the database have dependencies on jobs in this schedule, SMA_DELETESCHED automatically deletes these dependencies.


This process is irreversible. SMA Technologies recommends backing up the database before executing SMA_DELETESCHED.




The stored procedure uses the following parameter:

  • <Schedule Name>: The name of the schedule to delete.
    • The schedule name must not exceed 20 characters.
    • Enclose the schedule name in single quotation marks (e.g., 'OldSched').


Follow the procedure provided to execute the stored procedure.

To execute the stored procedure:

On the OpCon Database Server:

Log in as a local administrative user.

Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.

In the Connect to Server dialog:

Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.

Select the desired [OpCon Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.

Select one of the following options in the Authentication drop-down list:

  • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
  • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in then Password text box.

Click the Connect button.

In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window:

Expand (+) the Databases folder and select the OpCon Database.

Click the New Query button on the toolbar.

Enter the command for the SMA_DELETESCHED stored procedure.



Click the Execute button on the toolbar or press F5 to execute the query.


The SMA_MERGESCHED stored procedure merges the jobs from one schedule into another schedule. It migrates all job details, frequencies, frequency priorities, documentation, job dependencies, threshold dependencies, thresholds, events, and job history from the source schedule to the target schedule. The stored procedure assumes the following:

  • There is no duplication of job names between the two schedules.
  • Job history for the jobs from the source schedule appears as if they had always run on the target schedule.
  • Schedule-related historical information (e.g., schedule start and finish times) for the Source Schedule is deleted and not transferred to the Target Schedule.

This process is irreversible. SMA Technologies recommends backing up the database before executing SMA_MERGESCHED.


Declare \@errorcode int

Declare \@errortext Varchar(255)


exec SMA_mergesched 'TargetSchedule'



,\@errorcode OUTPUT

,\@errortext OUTPUT

Print convert (Char(5), \@errorcode) + ' ' + \@errortext



The following describes the parameters for the stored procedure:

  • TargetSchedule: The name of the schedule to retain (i.e., the jobs from the Source Schedule are merged into this schedule).
    • The schedule name must not exceed 40 characters.
    • Enclose the schedule name in single quotation marks (e.g., 'KeepSchedule').
  • SourceSchedule: The name of the schedule to merge into the Target Schedule.
    • The schedule name must not exceed 40 characters.
    • Enclose the schedule name in single quotation marks (e.g., 'Old Schedule').
  • 0: Indicates the OpCon User ID to be audited. Use 0 for ocadm.
  • \@errorcode: A variable to get the exit code from SQL server returned in the output.
  • \@errortext: A variable to get the text description of the error code returned in the \@errorcode variable.


Follow the procedure provided to execute the stored procedure.

To execute the stored procedure:

On the OpCon Database Server:

Log in as a local administrative user.

Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.

In the Connect to Server dialog:

Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.

Select the desired [OpCon Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.

Select one of the following options in the Authentication drop-down list:

  • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
  • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in then Password text box.

Click the Connect button.

In the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window:

Expand (+) the Databases folder and select the OpCon Database.

Click the New Query button on the toolbar.

Enter the command for the SMA_MERGESCHED stored procedure.

Declare @errorcode int
Declare @errortext Varchar(255)

exec SMA_mergesched 'TargetSchedule'
,@errorcode OUTPUT
,@errortext OUTPUT

Print convert (Char(5), @errorcode) + ' ' + @errortext

Click the Execute button on the toolbar or press F5 to execute the query.

In the toolbar, click the Execute button or press F5 to execute the query.


The stored procedure creates a new special SAMID with the same timestamp as the actual SAM. The value stored in the special SAMID is the "old" timestamp. The next execution compares the SAM's actual current timestamp to the old timestamp. If the two are equal or the SAMID does not exist, the SAM has stopped processing. If specified, the procedure retries detecting the SAM at defined intervals. When SMA_SAMWATCH finds that the SAM is not processing, it sends a Network Popup Message to a single machine and writes a message to the Windows Event Log.


EXEC SMA_SAMWATCH SAMID,'Recipient',<#1>,<#2>


The following describes the parameters for the stored procedure:

SAMID: The number assigned to the SAM processing in the OpCon database. Normally, this number is 1.

Recipient (Optional): A host name or user name to receive a notification, or a command file to execute when the SAM fails.

The stored procedure only allows one recipient.

The character limit is 255.

Always enclose the Recipient parameter in single quotation marks.

To specify a recipient for a Network Popup message, enter the host name of the machine or enter the Windows User.



To specify a command file, enter the executable's full path and file name.


The command file may contain multiple net send commands or any other valid commands.

  • The path to the command file must not contain spaces.
  • UNC path names are valid.
  • If omitted, the recipient defaults to the hostname of the machine on which the store procedure executes.

The following command executes a command file named if the SAM fails:

EXEC SMA_SAMWATCH 1,'C:\ProgramData\OpConxps\Scripts\sma_samwatch.cmd'

<#1>: The number of times SMA_SAMWATCH retries when a SAMPULSE record for the requested SAMID is absent. This situation may occur when SAM is not running or during a SAM regeneration.

  • If omitted, the default is 1.

<#2>: Determines the number of seconds between retry attempts.

  • Valid values include integers ranging from 0 and 59.
  • If omitted, the default is 5.

After the following command attempts to detect the SAM seven times at 20 second intervals, the command executes a command file named "sma_samwatch.cmd" if the SAM has not been detected:

EXEC SMA_SAMWATCH 1,'C:\ProgramData\OpConxps\Scripts\sma_samwatch.cmd',7,20

Scheduling SMA_SAMWATCH in SQL


Do not schedule SMA_SAMWATCH through OpCon. OpCon cannot send notifications when the SAM-SS is not processing.

Follow the procedure provided to schedule the stored procedure.

To schedule the stored procedure:

Log in to Management Studio

On the OpCon Database Server:

Use menu path: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.

In the Connect to Server dialog:

Select Database Engine in the Server type drop-down list.

Select the [OpCon Publishing Database Server] in the Server name drop-down list.

Select one of the following options in the Authentication drop-down list:

  • Windows Authentication to log in with the current Windows User with local administrative authority.
  • SQL Server Authentication then enter sa in the Login text box and the sa's password in then Password text box.

Click the Connect button.

Create an SQL Job

  1. Go to the Object Explorer frame.
  2. Expand (+) the SQL Server Agent icon.
  3. Right-click the Jobs folder and choose New>Job.
  4. Enter a job name in the Name text box .
  5. Go to the Select a page frame and select Steps.
  6. Click the New button.
  7. Enter a name in the Step Name text box.
  8. Select Transact-SQL Script (T-SQL) in the Type drop-down list.
  9. Select the OpConxps Database in the Database drop-down list.
  10. Enter the SMA_SAMWATCH command in the Command text box.
  11. Click OK.

Schedule the SQL Job

On the New Job screen:

Go to the Select a page frame and click the Schedules tab.

On the Schedules tab's screen:

Click the New button.

In the New Job Schedule window:

Enter a name for the schedule in the Name text box.

Select Recurring in the Schedule type drop-down list.

Go to the Frequency frame and select Daily in the Occurs drop-down list.

Go to the Daily frequency frame and:

a. Select the Occurs every radio button. b. Select either Minute(s) or Hour(s) in the Occurs every drop-down list. c. Enter, in the Occurs every field, the number of minutes/hours it is desired to occur.


Occurs every: 3 Minute(s)

Leave all other settings on the screen with their default values and click OK.

Click OK in the New Job window.
