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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)


With the SAM installation, SMA Technologies provides a program SMALogEvent to write messages to the Windows event log from a command line. Several OpCon programs (e.g., SMAServMan, MSLSAM, etc.) allow configuration of scripts to run when these programs start, stop, or encounter other triggers. SMA Technologies recommends using SMALogEvent in these scripts for notification purposes.

SMA Technologies provides a command file to execute the SMALogEvent program. Installed with the SAM-SS, the required files are in the <Target Directory>\OpConxps\SAM\ directory.


The command file contains the following syntax:

<Opconxps path\>SMALogEvent <Source\>, <Severity\>, <Message\>


The following describes the command file parameters:

<OpConxps path>: The path to the location of the SMALogEvent program.

  • By default, SMA Technologies places the SMALogEvent program in the SAM installation directory.
  • If spaces exist in the path, enclose the path in double quotation marks.

SMALogEvent: The name of the program.

<Source>: The value SMALogEvent writes to the Source column in the Windows Event Log.

<Severity>: The value SMALogEvent writes to the Type column in the Windows Event Log.

  • The value must be I (Information), W (Warning), or E (Error).

<Message>: Any message the administrator desires to see in the Windows Event Log. A third-party notification tool should be able to identify the message to send an email, page, or network pop-up message. The log message should be detailed and provide circumstances that triggered notification.


If the SMAServMan calls this command file for any of the definable scripts, there can be several helpful messages.

  • For the SyncInitFailureScript setting, the message might be: "The Primary SMAServMan is unable to synchronize with the Secondary SMAServMan."
  • For the PrimaryAbnormalShutdown setting, the message might be: "The Secondary SMA Service Manager has begun processing in the OpCon database."

Renaming the Command File

To prevent a production program from being overwritten by future OpCon upgrades, SMA Technologies distributes the WriteEvent.cmd file as Test_WriteEvent.cmd. To remove the characters "Test_", copy and rename the file.


Copying Test_ WriteEvent.cmd retains a template and also provides a separate customizable file for the production job.


SMA Technologies recommends creating a separate WriteEvent command file for each trigger for which the SMAServMan can execute a script. To create multiple WriteEvent command files in the SAM directory, choose unique names for each command file.

To rename the command file:

  1. Log on to the SAM application server as a Windows user with access to the OpCon installation directories.
  2. Right-click on Start and select Explore.
  3. Browse to and select the <Configuration Directory>\OpConxps\SAM\directory in Explorer's Folders frame.
  4. Right-click on Test_WriteEvent.cmd and select Copy.
  5. Right-click in the <Configuration Directory>\OpConxps\SAM\ folder and select Paste.
  6. Right-click on the Copy of Test_WriteEvent.cmd file and select Rename.
  7. Delete Copy of Test_ from the front of the file name. The resulting name should be WriteEvent.cmd.
  8. Press the Enter key.
  9. Close ☒ the Explorer window.

Modifying the Command File

The WriteEvent.cmd file runs the SMALogEvent program to write a message to the Windows Event Log.

To modify the command file:

  1. Log on to the SAM application server as a Windows user with access to the OpCon installation directories.
  2. Right-click on Start and select Explore.
  3. Browse to and select the <Target Directory>\OpConxps\SAM\ directory in Explorer's Folders frame.
  4. Right-click the WriteEvent.cmd file and select Edit. Notepad should open.
  5. Modify the path to the SAM directory "C:\Program Files\OpConxps\SAM\SMALogEvent" for the actual path to the SAM directory.
  6. Modify the source SMAServMan with the desired source for the event.
  7. Modify the severity W with the desired severity for the event.
  8. Modify the message Msg201: The Secondary SMA Service Manager has begun processing in the OpCon database with the desired message for the event.
  9. Use Menu path: File > Save.
  10. Close ☒ Notepad.

The example command file tells the administrator that SMAServMan has encountered something causing it to execute a script.

Our command file, C:\Program Files\OpConxps\SAM\WriteEvent.cmd, contains the following:

"C:\Program Files\OpConxps\SAM\SMALogEvent" SecondServMan, I, MSG201