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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)


Command files containing the executable DoBatch.exe can automatically build, check, delete, or forecast OpCon schedules. These DoBatch command files are scheduled through OpCon with Windows jobs. OpCon supports automatic schedule maintenance on the Administration > Schedules screen; nevertheless, SMA Technologies also supports DoBatch for backwards compatibility.

The directory <Target Directory>\OpConxps\OpConxps\ contains the DoBatch.exe program. To keep log files together, SMA Technologies expects DoBatch to run on the SAM application server.

Creating a DoBatch Command File

To create a DoBatch command file:

  1. Open an ASCII text editor (e.g., Notepad).
  2. Enter the appropriate command to navigate to the <Configuration Directory>\Scripts directory on the OpCon server. The following example shows the default location:
  3. Add the appropriate DoBatch command(s) according to the objective (e.g., build, check, delete, and forecast schedules). For information, refer to the next section about commands and syntax.
  4. Save with file extension .cmd in the <Configuration Directory>\Scripts\ directory.
  5. Schedule the command file with a Windows job in the Enterprise Manager (EM).



The wrapping of the syntax in this document does not indicate the location of a carriage return; the ↵ indicates the location of a carriage return.


To build schedules automatically, create a command file containing the DoBatch program and the BUILD parameter, using the following syntax:

DoBatch.exe [DSN],UID,PWD,logfile,BUILD[HLD],StartDate,EndDate, [Overwrite?],ScheduleName(s) +CSV+ +JOBID+[[$JOBID]]


The following shows how to create a command file to build schedules SCHED1 and SCHED2 for the next seven days, and overwrite any existing schedules:

cd "c:\program files\opconxps\opconxps"


To check schedules automatically, create a command file containing the DoBatch program and the CHECK parameter, using the following syntax:

DoBatch.exe [DSN],UID,PWD,logfile,CHECK[+],StartDate,EndDate,ScheduleName(s) +JOBID+[[$JOBID]]


The following shows how to create a command file to check all schedules for the next day:

cd "c:\program files\opconxps\opconxps"

The CHECK parameter will only check the named schedule. This parameter does not check the subschedules that may be involved with the schedule.


To delete schedules automatically, create a command file containing the DoBatch program and the DELETE parameter, using the following syntax:

DoBatch.exe [DSN],UID,PWD,logfile,DELETE,StartDate,EndDate, ScheduleName(s) +JOBID+[[$JOBID]]


The following shows how to create a command file to delete all schedules for the past seven days:

cd "c:\program files\opconxps\opconxps"


To forecast schedules automatically, create a command file containing the DoBatch program and FORECAST parameter, using the following syntax:

DoBatch.exe [DSN],UID,PWD,logfile,FORECAST,StartDate,EndDate, ScheduleName(s) +CSV+ +JOBID+[[$JOBID]]


The following example shows how to create a command file to forecast the schedule SCHED1 for the next seven days:

cd "c:\program files\opconxps\opconxps"
DoBatch.exe,batchuser,password,forecast.log,FORECAST,1,7,SCHED1 +CSV+

DoBatch places the comma-delimited file SCHED1_Forecast.csv in the <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\SMASchedMan\ directory on the DoBatch machine.


The Output Directory was configured during installation. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.


This section lists the DoBatch parameters and their descriptions. Information regarding Build, Check, Delete, and Forecast for each parameter is also provided. The letter 'O' means optional, 'R' means required, and 'NA' means does not apply.

  • DSN: (Legacy) DSN should be left blank as DoBatch only executes using the database connection defined on the OpCon Server with the SMA Connection Configuration tool. Leave this parameter empty to support the legacy syntax.

  • UID: (Required) A valid, case-sensitive OpCon User Login ID.

  • PWD: (Required) The case-sensitive password corresponding to the User Login ID above.

  • Logfile: (Required) The location where DoBatch creates a detailed log file of its activity.

    • If a path is specified with the filename, the file is created in the directory specified in the path.
    • If only a file name is specified, the log file is created in the <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\SMASchedMan\ directory:
    • The DoBatch.log and the logfile argument are unrelated.
  • Command (Required): Indicates the command for DoBatch to process. Commands include:

  • BUILD[HLD]: Commands the program to build a schedule. - If BUILD is specified, the schedule(s) is built in a released state. The schedule(s) starts processing as soon as the start time arrives.

    • If BUILDHLD is specified, the schedule(s) is built on hold.
    • This parameter must be uppercase.
  • CHECK[+] : Commands the program to check the schedule(s). The CHECK parameter will only check the named schedule. This parameter does not check the subschedules that may be involved with the schedule.

    • If CHECK is used for the command, the process runs without checking any circular dependencies. SMA Technologies advises this command if the process is being used frequently.
    • If CHECK+ is used, circular dependencies are included in the process.
    • This parameter must be uppercase.
    • If a circular dependency is detected, the results are written to the check.log. If this happens:
    • Print the log or write down the jobs that are listed.
    • Refer to Checking Daily Schedules in the Enterprise Manager online help for information on resolving a circular dependency.
  • DELETE: Commands the program to delete the schedule(s).

    • This parameter must be uppercase.
  • FORECAST: Commands the program to complete all the same functions as the build, but without actually building.

    • This parameter must be uppercase.
  • Start Date: (Required) The beginning schedule date.

    • The Start Date and End Date must be an integer.
    • Zero represents the current machine date.
    • A negative integer (-n) represents the number of days before the current machine date.
    • A positive integer (n) represents the number of days after the current machine date.
    • An absolute date is also valid, but it must conform to the syntax recognized by the regional settings of the user running the utility.
    • Always use compatible date types. Setting the start date to absolute and the end date to relative, or vice versa, can have unpredictable results.
    • When setting a range of dates, place the earlier date as the Start Date and the latest date as the End Date.
  • End Date: (Required) Represents the ending schedule date.

  • [Overwrite?]: Overwrite is used to indicate whether to overwrite an existing schedule or not, and is an optional parameter for the BUILD and BUILDHLD commands only.

    • Y = Overwrite
    • N = Do not overwrite
    • If not specified, DoBatch defaults the setting to N.
  • Schedule Name(s): The name(s) of the schedule(s) to be built. This parameter is Required for the BUILD, BUILDHLD, and FORECAST commands. It is optional for the CHECK, CHECK+, and DELETE commands.

    • Any number of schedules may be specified, each separated by a comma.
    • If the database has a binary sort order, schedule names are case-sensitive.
    • If optional and if no schedule names are specified, all schedules in the specified date range are affected.
  • +CSV+: A switch for DoBatch to create a comma-delimited (.csv) file. The file contains schedule date(s), job name(s), and associated frequency information. This parameter is Optional for the BUILD, BUILDHLD, and FORECAST commands only.

    • For building and forecasting, the utility creates the respective file:
      • Schedule Name_FORECAST.csv
      • Schedule Name_BUILD.csv
    • The utility places the files in the <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\SMASchedMan\ directory on the SAM application server.
    • The file is convenient for generating reports on non-Windows platforms. SMA Technologies recommends scheduling an ftp transfer of the file to the target platform.
    • The files are not automatically deleted. SMA Technologies recommends scheduling the deletion of these files.
    • There is a file for each schedule. If the schedule is built for multiple days, the additional days are appended to the schedule's file.
  • +JOBID+[[JOBID]] (Optional): A parameter that defines the unique ID of the job for SMASchedMan to send Detailed Job Messages back to.

    • If specified, the SAM will resolve the token at run time to the job's unique ID. SMASchedMan will then be able to write all Exception Messages and Completion Message to the job's "Detailed Job Messages" field.


A simple log file DoBatch.log, maintained by the DoBatch program, resides in the directory <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\SMASchedMan\. DoBatch expects to run on the SAM application server; consequently, the utility places the log file in the SAM directory to keep all the log files together.


The Output Directory was configured during installation. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.

Exit Codes

The DoBatch.exe program uses the log file in the command-line argument to determine the success of the command and returns an appropriate error code. The exit codes are as follows:

Exit CodeExit Description
0Successful execution.
32001Fatal error in execution. Check DoBatch log for details.
32002Error in execution. Check DoBatch log for details.
32003Warning messages in execution. Check DoBatch log for details.
32004Invalid command line input.
32005Failed to launch SMAPass2Rtr.exe.
32006Insufficient parameters for DoBatch command line.
32007Command line greater than 2000 characters.