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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Check Job Termination

The Check Job Termination utility (SMACheckTerm.exe) allows the comparison of the termination description of a completed job to a specific value(s). Based on whether the job's exit code matches the comparison expression, the utility either fails or succeeds. If it fails, the utility returns one of the failure exit codes listed in the Exit Codes table; otherwise, it returns a 0. As a consequence, this utility enables branching to different jobs or to different OpCon events based on the details of a job's exit code.



If formatting an SMACheckTerm command line to check a UNIX job, the command line would look something like this:

SMACheckTerm.exe JobA ScheduleA "[[$SCHEDULE DATE]]" "+000000001:0000:N"



The Output Directory was configured during installation. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.

The SMACheckTerm log file provides detailed information of errors generated during the utility's execution. The log file resides in the <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\ directory. The syntax for the log file name is SMACheckTerm_<date-time stamp>.log.

All archived log files reside in the <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\Archive\ folder. If an archive folder for the day does not already exist, the utility creates one. The folder names use the following naming convention: yyyy_mm_dd (Weekday). The logging mechanism generates the weekday name according to the Regional Settings of the user executing the utility.


If the Regional Settings are set to English, an archive folder would have the following name: 2008_01_11 (Friday).

If the Regional Settings are set to French, an archive folder would have the following name: 2008_01_11 (Vendredi).

Once per day the SAM deletes old archive folders. The SAM retains 10 days of archived logs by default. If desired, change the Logging settings in the Global Options. Refer to the Maximum number of days archived SAM logs should be kept setting in the Concepts online help.


The SAM does not purge any Archive folders if any files other than archived files are present.

Exit Codes

The SMACheckTerm.exe program uses the following exit codes:

Exit CodeExit Description
0Criterion is true.
33001No matching records found. The criterion is false. Review the command line for schedule name, schedule status, job name, and job status and make sure all of the parameters are valid.
33002Command-line syntax error in the parameters. Parsing error.
33003Database Connection Information, Usercode, and Password information is incorrect or SMAODBCConfiguration.dat file is missing.