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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Synch SAP


The information presented in this topic pertains largely to running the SMASynchSAP utility as a Windows job. For instructions on running this utility in the OpCon Docker container, please refer to Running on OpCon in Docker.

The SMASynchSAP utility (SMASynchSAP.exe) reads the OpCon Master jobs and requests the SAP Job Number from the SAP Server. This utility is found in the UTILITY folder and uses the SMAODBCConfig.dat file found in the SAM folder. Output is found in SAM\Logs folder.

SAP Login User and Password are required for each SAP Server connection. If the Server Name cannot be found in the Server Login File, then a request is made to the user to supply the user name and password for SAP R/3 and CRM jobs.


This utility is used to re-synch the OpCon SAP jobs with an SAP Server. This is usually only necessary when a change has occurred on the SAP Server causing the job definitions to have Job Numbers that no longer match with the data originally captured in OpCon when the job was initially added. SAP Server credentials are required in order to communicate with it to extract the job definition information. The Server User and Password will be requested if not found in a simple text file that matches the same database definition as the SMA Import Export (ImpEx) program. Name the full path and file name on the command line as the first input parameter.


C:\Program Files\OpConxps\Utilities\SMASynchSAP.exe C:\Synch SAP Files\MyServerCreds.txt

This will cause SMASynchSAP to look in the Utility folder for a file by that name and will expect each line to represent an SAP Server and credentials in the form: SERVERNAME,USER,PWD.

The server credentials file can be located anywhere, simply supply a full path.

Running on OpCon in Docker

In order to run the utility successfully in a Docker container, using the Linux agent embedded in it, keep the following things in mind:

  1. When running in Docker, the Linux job needs to be set up similar to a Windows job with the same parameters.
  2. The start image for the Linux job should be: dotnet /app/SMASynchSAP.dll <arguments>.
  3. The SMASynchSAP server credentials file can use the same location as other OpCon configuration files (/app/config) or any location on the host machine with a mapping to a directory in the container.
  4. Use the default OpConOnLinux agent machine (available in the container) to run the utility jobs.
  5. Logs are found in /app/log/Utilities in the container.


This utility can be used to detect only or detect and update. The command-line switch -update must be included in order to update the OpCon database with the Job Numbers extracted from the SAP Server(s).


C:\Program Files\OpConxps\Utilities\SMASynchSAP.exe C:\Synch SAP Files\MyServerCreds.txt -update