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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)



The information presented in this topic pertains largely to running the Chronoman utility as a Windows job. For instructions on running this utility in the OpCon Docker container, please refer to Running on OpCon in Docker.

OpCon user-defined properties can be updated with calculated dates using an executable called Chronoman (Chronoman.exe). The SAM can calculate simple dates based on calendar offsets from the $SCHEDULE DATE or $DATE; however, Chronoman is used to make complex date calculations (e.g., a property may need to be updated with the date of the last working day of the month).

Chronoman.exe is installed in the <Target Directory>\OpConxps\MSLSAM\ directory. Chronoman should be scheduled using a Windows OpCon job. Any jobs requiring the property value should be dependent on the associated Chronoman job. For information on setting up job dependencies, refer to Adding Job Dependencies.


To configure Chronoman, update the Chronoman configuration file (Chronoman.ini) and set up the DSN information.

Configuration File Settings

The Chronoman configuration file (Chronoman.ini) is used to configure the utility.

Chronoman General Settings

PathToMsgInDir.\MSGINLocation of the MSGIN directory of the Microsoft LSAM. Chronoman uses this directory to communicate any errors to the SAM.
PathToLogDir.\LogThe directory to which Chronoman logs errors. The default directory is the Log subdirectory below the installation directory.

Chronoman Fiscal Quarter Begin Dates

Q1<blank>Defines the first day of the First Fiscal Quarter. Specify the date with the Month and Day to start. The date must match the syntax recognized by the regional settings of the user running the utility. Do not define the year. Chronoman automatically calculates the year each time it executes based Fiscal the current Fiscal year.
Q2<blank>Defines the first day of the Second Fiscal Quarter. Specify the date with the Month and Day to start. The date must match the syntax recognized by the regional settings of the user running the utility. Do not define the year. Chronoman automatically calculates the year each time it executes based Fiscal the current Fiscal year.
Q3<blank>Defines the first day of the Third Fiscal Quarter. Specify the date with the Month and Day to start. The date must match the syntax recognized by the regional settings of the user running the utility. Do not define the year. Chronoman automatically calculates the year each time it executes based Fiscal the current Fiscal year.
Q4<blank>Defines the first day of the Fourth Fiscal Quarter. Specify the date with the Month and Day to start. The date must match the syntax recognized by the regional settings of the user running the utility. Do not define the year. Chronoman automatically calculates the year each time it executes based Fiscal the current Fiscal year.

Configuration File Example


Here is an example showing updated configuration file settings. For the dates with Regional settings configured to use English (United States), the Fiscal Q1 begins on July 1, Q2 begins on October 1, Q3 begins on January 1, and Q4 begins on April 1.


[Fiscal Quarter Begin Dates]

Command-line Syntax

Chronoman uses the following command-line syntax:

chronoman =t<Property Name\> =o<Sign><Number> =u<unit> =f<format> [=b<Date and Time>][=c<File Path>][=j< Julian Date and Time>][=n<Date and Time>][=s<Schedule>][=z<insertion_point, desired_length_of_string>]

Required Parameters

=fThis parameter is the output format to use when updating the property. For valid date format characters, refer to System Properties in the Concepts online help. The format parameter can be omitted if the format is defined in the command file (=c).
=oThis parameter is the plus (+) or minus (-) the number of units by which to change the base time. Do not use the offset parameter if a command file (=c) is specified. If it has been specified, the command file contains the required date manipulations.
=tThis parameter is the name of the property to set. Do not specify any of the system properties (including managed system properties). The property name must conform to the rules for User -defined Property names. For more information, refer to Properties in the Concepts online help. If the property does not exist in the database, Chronoman will automatically create it. The property parameter can be omitted if the property name is defined in the command file (=c). If specifying the property name with the =t switch and the property name requires quotes (") because it contains a period (.), escape the quotes with a backslash () on the command line. For example: =tJI.\"My.Property\".[[$DATE]].[[$SCHEDULE NAME]].Job3. Windows will strip the quotes out of the parameter if they are not escaped, and Chronoman requires the quotes to properly identify any property with a period in the name.
=uThis parameter is the type of unit to use with the offset parameter (=o). Refer to the Chronoman Offset Parameters table for valid units of offset. Do not use the units of offset if a command file (=c) is specified. If it has been specified, the command file contains the required date manipulations. The characters below are valid for the units of offset (=u). Only WD should be upper case. All other characters should be lower case.

Chronoman Offset Parameters

Units of OffsetDefinition
yDay of year (Julian)
WDWorking days

Optional Parameters

=bThis parameter is the base date on which to calculate the value for the property. The date is formatted using the syntax recognized by the regional settings of the user running the utility. If the =b parameter is not specified and the format (=f) contains months, days, and years, the current date and time is used. When specifying a value for the =b parameter, SMA Technologies recommends using a date format of one of the following: mmm/dd/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mmm/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy. Do not specify =j and =b together.
=cThis parameter is the path to the command file. If the =c parameter is specified, do not specify =o or =u. If it has been specified, the command file contains the required date manipulations.
=jThis parameter is the base date in Julian format on which to calculate the output for the property. The format parameter (=f) must be set to YYYYy. If the =j parameter is not specified and the format (=f) specifies Julian, current Julian date and time is used. Do not specify =j and =b together.
=nThis parameter is the name of the Negative Annual Plan Calendar. In addition to the Holiday Calendar, Chronoman includes the Negative Annual Plan dates to determine non-working days.
=sThis parameter is the name of the schedule to use if the <units of offset> are WD (Working Days) or if a command file computes working days. Chronoman uses the schedule's Holiday Calendar to determine non-working days. The schedule parameter can be omitted if a command file is specified and the command file defines the name of the schedule prior to performing a calculation requiring Working Days. This parameter is not needed if Working Days are not calculated.
=zThis parameter is the final formatting of the string done by padding it with zeros. Specify the column where leading zeros should be inserted and the length the string should be. The insertion point must be between 1 and the current length of the string. Syntax: Insertion_point,desired_length_of_string

Command-line Example

chronoman =tTestProperty =o-1 =uh =fmmddyy hh:nn =b09/15/2017 05:00
  • This example changes the value of a token called TestProperty.
  • The value of the property is the base time (09/15/2017 05:00) plus the offset (-1) hour.
  • The property is in the format "mmddyy hh:nn".
  • When the calculation is complete, TestProperty has a value of 091517 04:00.

Command File Syntax

The command file is an ASCII text file containing date manipulations. The date manipulations are in the form of one or more lines of directives on how to modify the base time. The first directive is executed on the base time. Successive directives are executed on the computed date from the previous directive.


Command file directives override the equivalent command-line parameters if both are specified. The exception to this is the units of offset and offset must be specified in either the command file or on the command line. An error is generated if a conflict is found.

The basic format for the command file is: <Units of offset\>, <offset\>

  • <Units of offset>: This field is the type of unit to use with the offset parameter. Refer to Chronoman Offset Parameters.
  • <offset>: This field is a positive or negative integer.

If special calculations on the date are required, the following syntax is also supported:

<Special Directive\>, <argument if applicable\>

Special Directives

There are several special directives that allow for necessary date/time control.

COMPUTE_ELAPSED_DAYSComputes the number of elapsed days between the base time and the computed date from all prior directives. The format (=f) must be specified as an integer, not a date. If this directive is used, it must be the last one in the command file. The computation is not accurate if any directives follow COMPUTE_ELAPSED_DAYS.
FILL_DIRECTIVEInserts characters into the computed date to achieve the desired final format for the property. Specify the character to be inserted, where characters should be inserted, and the desired length of the string. The insertion point can be specified past the length of the computed date. Syntax: FILL_DIRECTIVE,<"fill character">,<insertion point>,<desired length of string>, e.g. FILL_DIRECTIVE,"*",11,15
FIND_CALENDAR_Q1_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the first quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_Q1_BEGIN would set the date to January 1 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_Q1_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the first quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_Q1_END would set the date to March 31 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_Q2_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the second quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_Q2_BEGIN would set the date to April 1 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_Q2_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the second quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_Q2_END would set the date to June 30 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_Q3_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the third quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_Q3_BEGIN would set the date to July 1 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_Q3_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the third quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_Q3_END would set the date to September 30 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_Q4_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the fourth quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_Q4_BEGIN would set the date to October 1 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_Q4_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the fourth quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_Q3_END would set the date to December 31 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_QUARTER_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the quarter for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_QUARTER_BEGIN would set the date to April 1 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_QUARTER_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the quarter for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_QUARTER_END would set the date to June 30 of the current calendar year.
FIND_CALENDAR_YEAR_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_YEAR_BEGIN would set the date to January 1 of the computed date's current year.
FIND_CALENDAR_YEAR_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_CALENDAR_YEAR_END would set the date to December 31 of the computed date's current year.
FIND_DAY_OF_WEEK_BACKWARDFinds the date of the first occurrence of the specified day of the week prior to the computed date. If the computed date from all previous steps matches the specified day of week, processing stops and the date is used in future steps (or returned). If the computed date does not match the day of week, the date is decremented and tested until the day of week specified is found. A day of week argument must be passed to this directive. Day of Week arguments range from 1 to 7 (i.e., Sunday to Saturday). FIND_DAY_OF_WEEK_BACKWARD,4
FIND_DAY_OF_WEEK_FORWARDFinds the date of the first occurrence of the specified day of the week after the computed date. If the computed date from all previous steps matches the specified day of week, processing stops and the date is used in future steps (or returned). If the computed date does not match the day of week, the date is incremented and tested until the day of week specified is found. A day of week argument must be passed as an argument to this directive. Day of Week arguments range from 1 to 7 (i.e., Sunday to Saturday). FIND_DAY_OF_WEEK_FORWARD,4
FIND_FISCAL_QUARTER_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the fiscal quarter for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of each fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q1 begin date is set to July 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was August 3, FIND_FISCAL_QUARTER_BEGIN would set the date to July 1 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_QUARTER_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the fiscal quarter for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of each fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q1 begin date is set to July 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was August 3, FIND_FISCAL_QUARTER_END would set the date to September 30 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_Q1_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the first fiscal quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the first fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q1 begin date is set to July 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was June 3, FIND_FISCAL_Q1_BEGIN would set the date to July 1 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_Q1_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the first fiscal quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the first fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q1 begin date is set to July 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was June 3, FIND_FISCAL_Q1_END would set the date to September 30 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_Q2_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the second fiscal quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the second fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q2 begin date is set to October 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was June 3, FIND_FISCAL_Q2_BEGIN would set the date to October 1 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_Q2_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the second quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the second fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q2 begin date is set to October 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was June 3, FIND_FISCAL_Q2_END would set the date to December 31 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_Q3_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the third quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the third fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q3 begin date is set to January 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was June 3, FIND_FISCAL_Q3_BEGIN would set the date to January 1 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_Q3_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the third quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the third fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q3 begin date is set to January 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was June 3, FIND_FISCAL_Q3_END would set the date to March 31 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_Q4_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the fourth quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the fourth fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q4 begin date is set to April 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was June 3, FIND_FISCAL_Q4_BEGIN would set the date to April 1 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_Q4_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the fourth quarter of the year for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the fourth fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q4 begin date is set to April 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was June 3, FIND_FISCAL_Q4_END would set the date to June 30 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_YEAR_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the first fiscal quarter for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the first fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q1 begin date is set to July 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was February 3, FIND_FISCAL_YEAR_BEGIN would set the date to July 1 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_FISCAL_YEAR_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the fourth fiscal quarter for the computed date from all previous steps. The date for the first day of the fourth fiscal quarter must be defined in the Chronoman.ini file. Refer to Configuration File Settings. For example, if the Fiscal Q4 begin date is set to April 1 in the Chornoman.ini file and the base date was August 3, FIND_FISCAL_YEAR_END would set the date to June 30 of the current fiscal year.
FIND_MONTH_BEGINThe date is set to the first day of the month for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 3 and previous directives moved the date to May 25, FIND_MONTH_BEGIN would set the date to May 1.
FIND_MONTH_ENDThe date is set to the last day of the month for the computed date from all previous steps. For example, if the base date was June 29 and previous directives moved the date to July 3, FIND_MONTH_END would set the date to July 31.
FIND_WORKING_DAY_BACKWARDFinds the date of the first working day prior to the computed date if it is not a working day. If the computed date from all previous steps is a working date, processing stops and the date is used in future steps (or returned). If the computed date is not a working date, the date is decremented and tested until a working date is found.
FIND_WORKING_DAY_FORWARDFinds the date of the first working day after the computed date if it is not a working day. If the computed date from all prior steps is a working date, processing stops and the date is used in future steps (or returned). If the computed date is not a working date, the date is incremented and tested until a working date is found.
SET_COMPUTED_DATEThe calculated date value can be overridden at any time by setting its value explicitly or to the value of a property. Chronoman can only resolve user-defined properties. Syntax: SET_COMPUTED_DATE, <computed date>
SET_COMPUTED_DATE_JULIANThe calculated date value can be overridden at any time by setting its value explicitly or to the value of a property. The format of the date must be YYYYy. Syntax: SET_COMPUTED_DATE_JULIAN, <computed date in Julian format>
SET_FORMAT_STRINGThe output format for the computed date. This directive is the same as the =f parameter on the command line. The output format string MUST be specified either in the command file or on the command line. Syntax: SET_FORMAT_STRING, <format string>
SET_NEGATIVE_ANNUAL_PLAN_NAMEThe name of the Negative Annual Plan calendar to be used when determining non-working days. Syntax: SET_NEGATIVE_ANNUAL_PLAN_NAME, <name of Negative Annual Plan Calendar>
SET_SCHEDULE_NAMEThe name of the schedule to be used when determining working days. This directive is the same as the =s parameter on the command line. The schedule name MUST be specified either in the command file or on the command line if working days are to be calculated. Syntax: SET_SCHEDULE_NAME, <name of schedule>
SET_TOKEN_NAMEThe name of the property to update with the computed date. This directive is the same as the =t parameter on the command line. If specifying a property name that contains a period (.), surround the name with double quotes. For Example: SET_TOKEN_NAME, JI."My.Property"[[$DATE]].[[$SCHEDULE NAME]].Job3. Chronoman requires the quotes to properly identify any property with a period in the name. The property name MUST be specified either in the command file or on the command line. Syntax: SET_TOKEN_NAME, <name of valid property>
ZERO_FILL_DIRECTIVEInserts zeros into the computed date to achieve the desired final format for the property. Specify the character where zeros should be inserted and the desired length of the string. The insertion point must be between 1 and the current length of the string. Syntax: ZERO_FILL_DIRECTIVE,<insertion point>,<desired length of string>

This next table shows the command line/command file equivalency. In the table, the R/O column header represents "Required/Optional".

Command-line ParameterCommand File DirectiveR/OComments/Defaults
=bN/AOCurrent date in the format of the Regional Settings.
=cN/AODo not specify =o and =u command-line parameters if =c is specified.
=fSET_FORMAT_STRINGRCommand file overrides command line.
=jN/AOCurrent date in Julian format.
=o<offset>OEntered after <units of offset> in the command file. Do not specify =o parameter if <offset> is in the command file.
=sSET_SCHEDULE_NAMEOCommand file overrides command line.
=tSET_TOKEN_NAMERCommand file overrides command line.
=u<units of offset>OEntered before <offset> in the command file. Do not specify =u parameter if <units of offset> is in the command file.
=zZERO_FILL_DIRECTIVEOCommand file overrides command line.
N/ACOMPUTE_ELAPSED_DAYSOMust be the last directive in the command file.

Arguments in the command file can be represented by tokens. Chronoman can resolve only tokens referencing user-defined properties. Chronoman cannot resolve any System or user-defined System tokens.


A property could be created called DAYS_BEFORE_CLOSE with a value of -3. If it were decided to start the period close processing four days early, only this value would need to be changed. To calculate the actual date for this value, assuming that closing occurs on the last work day of a month, the command file would contain:


Command File Examples

Example Scenario 1

SCENARIO 1: If today is a working day, set the property to today's date. If today is NOT a working day, set the property to the date of the next working day.

OpCon Command Line:

"C:\Program Files\Opconxps\MSLSAM\Chronoman" =t"WK.Day" =cC:\Chronoman Files\WkDayCommand.txt =sTestSchedule

Chronoman Command File:


Summary: The base date of today is assumed because it is not specified on the command line or in the command file. The property to be updated is called WK.Day. The schedule to be used for determining working days is called "TestSchedule".

  • The WK.Day property is surrounded with escaped quotes in the =t parameter on the command line because the name contains a period.
  • SET_FORMAT_STRING specifies the format for output to the property as a date format using numbers only.
  • FIND_WORKING_DAY_FORWARD uses the value of the computed date if it is a workday, otherwise the next workday is found to arrive at the final value for the property.

Set the property to the date of the first day after the next working day.

OpCon Command Line:

"C:\Program Files\Opconxps\MSLSAM\Chronoman" =tNextDay =cC:\Chronoman Files\NextDayCommand.txt =sTestSchedule

Chronoman Command File:


Summary: The base date of today is assumed because it is not specified on the command line or in the command file. The property to be updated is called NextDay. The schedule to be used for determining working days is called TestSchedule.

  • SET_FORMAT_STRING specifies the format for output to the property as a standard date format. d,1 adds one day to the computed date.
  • FIND_WORKING_DAY_FORWARD uses the value of the computed date if it is a working day; otherwise, the next workday is found. d,1 adds one more day to the computed date to arrive at the final value for the property.

Set the property to tomorrow's date.

OpCon Command Line:

"C:\Program Files\Opconxps\MSLSAM\Chronoman" =tTomorrow =cC:\Chronoman Files\TomorrowCommand.txt =sTestSchedule

Chronoman Command File:


Summary: The base date of today is assumed because it is not specified on the command line or in the command file. The property to be updated is called Tomorrow. The schedule to be used for determining working days is called TestSchedule.

  • SET_FORMAT_STRING specifies the format for output to the property as a standard date format. d,1 adds one day to the computed date to arrive at the final value for the property.

Set the property to the first working day of the month in the format of a seven-character Julian date.

For this example, a user-defined System property was created in the Enterprise Manager. The property was given a Name of $SCHEDULE DATE JUL and a value of YYYYj.

  • The property can be passed to a command file from the OpCon command line.
  • This property cannot be used in the command file because only the SAM can resolve system.
  • The command file must contain a variable that can be replaced by an entry on the OpCon command line.
  • The command file for this is called JulianFirst.cmd. The contents of the command file should all be on one line.

OpCon Command Line:

"C:\Chronoman Files\JulianFirst.cmd" [[$SCHEDULE DATE JUL]]

JulianFirst.cmd File:

"C:\Program Files\OpConxps\MSLSAM\Chronoman" =cC:\Chronoman Files\JulianFirstCommand.txt =sTestSchedule =j%1

JulianFirstCommand.txt File:

SET_TOKEN_NAME, "Julian.First"

Summary: The base date is set to the Schedule Date in a Julian format (i.e., 2008025). The schedule to be used for determining working days is called TestSchedule.

  • SET_FORMAT_STRING specifies the format for output to the property as a Julian date beginning with the four-digit year.
  • SET_TOKEN_NAME defines the property to be updated as Julian.First. The name is surrounded in quotes as "Julian.First" because there is a period in the name.
  • FIND_MONTH_BEGIN finds the first day of the month of the computed date.
  • FIND_WORKING_DAY_FORWARD uses the value of the computed date if it is a working day, otherwise the next workday is found.
  • ZERO_FILL_DIRECTIVE inserts zeros into the computed date at the fifth character and continuing until the final string is seven characters. The result of this directive is output to the property. If the base date were 2008025, the value of the property would be updated with 2008001.

Set the property to the number of elapsed days between the first day of March and the second Thursday of the month.

OpCon Command Line:

C:\Program Files\Opconxps\MSLSAM\Chronoman =b03/01/2017 =tDays =cC:\Chronoman Files\DaysCommand.txt =sTestSchedule

DaysCommand.txt File:


Summary: The base date of March 1, 2017 is used for the computation. The property to be updated is called Days. The schedule to be used for determining working days is called TestSchedule.

  • SET_FORMAT_STRING specifies the format for output to the property as an integer. W,1 adds one week to the computed date.
  • FIND_DAY_OF_WEEK_FORWARD,5 uses the value of the computed date if it is Thursday, otherwise the next Thursday are found.
  • COMPUTE_ELAPSED_DAYS calculate the number of days between the base date and the computed date. The number of elapsed days are output to the property.



The Output Directory was configured during installation. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.

The Chronoman log file provides detailed information regarding the Chronoman processing.

  • The log file resides in the <Output Directory>\MSLSAM\Log\ directory.
  • Each time the Chronoman.exe runs, it creates a log file name with the following syntax: Chronoman_CCYYMMDD_HHmmssss.log. The "ssss" in syntax represents seconds and tenths of seconds (e.g., Chronoman_20110513_15263142.log).
  • Upon startup, Chronoman.exe checks the MSLSAM\Log folder for log files older than today and moves them to the appropriate archive subfolder.
  • All archived log files reside in the <Output Directory>\MSLSAM\Log\Archive\<Day> folder.
  • If the Chronoman log files in the MSLSAM\Log are older than the oldest Archive folder, the old logs are simply deleted.

Error Codes

Chronoman exits with a value of 0 if it succeeds and an error code if errors are detected. Refer to the Chronoman Command-line and Command-file Errors table for a complete list of errors. Chronoman writes all errors to the Chronoman.log file placed in the directory specified in the Chronoman.ini configuration file. Also, as long as the communication with SAM through the MSGIN directory is working, Chronoman sends all errors to the SAM.log. Chronoman writes these errors to the SAM.log with the following syntax:

Chronoman ERROR: ##### Supplemental Data: [xxxxxxxxxx]

Error NumberError Description
-1One or more of the following issues will cause this error: Database connection made, but unable to read the table to resolve the token. Critical system error - GetModuleFileName () failed. Error reading Database Configuration file - it appears to be damaged. The Property Name exceeded 64 characters
1Database connection made, but unable to read the table to resolve the property.
3Zero Fill Directives incorrectly specified.
4Zero Fill Directives insertion point not numeric.
5Zero Fill Directives insertion point less than 1.
6Zero fill Directives insertion point must be less than length of string.
7Zero Fill Directives desired string length not numeric.
8Zero Fill Directives desired length less than 1.
9Julian date not in format (=f) YYYYy or non-numeric characters in Julian date.
11Julian date must be between 1 and 366.
13Unable to add/subtract specified offset and units combination from time.
14No arguments specified on command line.
15Missing or incomplete arguments on command line.
16Invalid Offset (=o) specified.
17Unknown option specified.
18Command File and Offset (=o) specified – illegal combination.
20The Specified Command File does not exist or cannot be found. A possible cause for this problem can be from copying and pasting a working directory from an email or PDF file as opposed to manually typing the correct information. Hidden characters in the Working Directory are a known cause for this problem.
21Offset (=o) not specified or offset set to zero.
23Working days are needed, but the Schedule Name (=s) is missing.
24The SMAODBCConfig.dat file is missing. Please use the SMAODBCConfig.exe program to configure the database connection.
26Property Name parameter not defined or invalid. Specify the =t parameter on the command line or the SET_TOKEN_NAME special directive in the command file. The Property Name cannot contain the following characters:' ( ) \ , = ;
27Time format not specified.
30Unable to create a valid start date/time from specified value.
31One or more of the following issues will cause this error: Unable to format date/time combination using specified format. Unable to format value using specified format. Error occurred trying to convert Julian date
34Computed date value not specified.
35Computed date (Julian) value not specified.
36Format value not specified.
37Schedule name not specified.
38Property Name is empty. The value for the =t parameter on the command line or the SET_TOKEN_NAME special directive in the command file does not have a value.
39Zero fill directives not completely specified.
40Day of week must be between 1 and 7.
42Unable to read Command File.
43Invalid value in Command File.
44Character fill directives not completely specified.
45Character fill directives desired string length not numeric.
46Character fill directives insertion point not numeric.
47Character fill directives insertion point less than 1.
48Character fill directives desired length less than 1.
49Negative Annual Plan not specified.
50Fiscal Quarter dates not specified in the config (INI) file.
51Invalid format for Fiscal Quarter dates in the config (INI) file.
52There is an overlap in fiscal quarter dates.
53One or more of the following issues will cause this error: Unable to find Database Configuration Parameters file. Error reading Database Configuration parameters. Invalid Log File Path. Invalid MSGIN Path.

Running on OpCon in Docker

In order to run the utility successfully in a Docker container, using the Linux agent embedded in it, keep the following things in mind:

  1. When running in Docker, the Linux job needs to be set up similar to a Windows job with the same parameters.
  2. The start image for the Linux job should be: dotnet /app/Chronoman.dll <arguments>.
  3. The Chronoman.ini file will be located in the /app/config directory in the container, mapped to any folder on the host machine just like all other INI files.
  4. The Chronoman command file can use the same location as the INI file (or any location on the host machine with a mapping to a directory in the container).
  5. Use the default OpConOnLinux agent machine (available in the container) to run the utility jobs.
  6. Logs are found in /app/log/Utilities in the container.