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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Role General

The Roles page is found in Library > Access Management > Roles, and provides the views to manage Privileges and Roles. When you click on the Roles tab, you will see a list of all the roles that have been created in the system. You can click on the name of a role to view the details of that role.

A series of tabs is displayed on the Roles page. The General tab displays the name, description, and inherited privileges that are assigned to the selected role.

To modify a role, edit the preferred fields and click Save.


If a Role has the Inherit all privileges for Machines, Machine Groups, Schedules, or Scripts selected on the General tab, the Resources tab will display information noting as such and does not allow granting or revoking privileges for specific resources. For information on this checkbox, refer to Roles in the Concepts online help.

Role General

For more information see:

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