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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Managing Script Runners

The Script Runners module allows you to add, edit, delete, and check cross-references for script runners.

Creating Script Runners

  1. Click the Add button above the list A screen showing script runners module with location of add button
  2. Fill out the Script Runner form A screen showing add script runner form

    You can create a new Script Type directly from this form by clicking the Add button next to Type field.

Editing Script Runners

  1. Select a Script Runner and click the Edit button above the list A screen showing script runners module with location of edit button
  2. Fill out the Script Runner form A screen showing edit script runner form

Deleting Script Runners

  1. Select a Script Runner and click the Delete button above the list A screen showing script runners module with location of delete button

  2. Click Yes to confirm the delete operation A screen asking for confirmation to delete a script runner

Delete operation is not allowed if Script Runner has any cross-references. A screen showing cross references of a script runner

Checking Cross References

  1. Select a Script Runner and click the Cross References button above the list A screen showing script runners module with location of cross references button
  2. A dialog will show the Cross References A screen showing cross references of a script

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