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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Managing Schedules

The Schedule Build dialog gives you the ability to generate schedule builds manually for selected schedules for a specified day or series of days. For conceptual information on building daily schedules, refer to Building Daily Schedules in the Concepts online help.


For you to use the build functionality in the Schedule Build dialog, you must have all the appropriate privileges. For additional information, refer to Departmental Function Privileges in the Concepts online help.

The Schedule Build dialog contains a list of schedules to build and the build results information.

Building Daily Schedules

To build a daily schedule:

Double-click on Schedule Build under the Operation topic. The Build Schedules dialog displays.

Select the schedule(s) in the Schedule Selection list. Alternatively, in the Schedule Selection text box, you can type the first few letters or numbers for the schedule to find and then select the specific schedule. You could also select the Show schedules with auto-build option or Show schedules without auto-build option.

In the Start text box in the Scheduling Dates frame:

Enter the Start date requested for the build of the schedule. Alternatively, you can click the calendar button (to the right of the text box) to select the date from the monthly calendar.

In the Stop text box:

Enter the Stop date requested for the build of the schedule or click the calendar button (to the right of the text box) to select the date from the monthly calendar.

(Optional) Select the Overwrite existing schedules checkbox.


Existing schedules that are processing cannot be overwritten.

(Optional) Select the Define schedule instance checkbox.

Click the Build button. The Build Properties dialog displays.

Select the Released radio button to release the schedule to build or select the on Hold radio button to control the start of the schedule manually.


If a schedule is being built for a date prior to the current date, the user will be unable to select the Released schedule build status. The schedule will always be built on Hold.

Click the OK button.


Schedules built on Hold will appear blue. Schedules built as Released will appear green. Hovering the mouse over a row in the Build Results table will display the details about the specific schedule build including the log file details.

If the Define schedule instance checkbox was not selected: Click Close ☒ (top-right-hand side of screen) to close the Build Schedules dialog.

If the Define schedule instance checkbox was selected and the schedule is not associated with any named instances:

Do the following in the Define Schedule Instance dialog:

a. Enter a set of one or more property definitions using the following format: PropertyName=PropertyValue. Separate each definition with a semicolon (;). b. Skip to Step 13.

If the Define schedule instance checkbox was selected and the schedule is associated with any named instances:

Do the following in the Define Schedule Instance dialog:

a. Select the named instance. b. Enter a set of one or more property definitions using the following format: PropertyName=PropertyValue. Separate each definition with a semicolon (;). c. Go to Step 13.

Click the OK button to save the property definitions or click the Cancel button to cancel the definitions for that schedule instance.


If no properties are defined for the schedule, OpCon will still request the build for the schedule, but no properties will be defined.