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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using List View

The List view (Daily list) is used to display all dates that have schedules built. When in this view, it contains a daily list of schedule dates that can be expanded to show the schedule and job information. In order for the schedule and jobs information to display in the Gantt, PERT, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Workload Chart views, you must first activate the Send the current selection to other views button on the Daily list toolbar.

The Listen for selection changes in other views button must also be activated in the views that receive the schedule and job information (e.g., Gantt, PERT, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Workload Chart views).

List View Toolbar

The List view also has a toolbar that allows you to perform actions in the view. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

List View toolbar

White "person reading" icon on blue circular background Related Topics