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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Workload Chart View

The Workload Chart view is useful to refer to at a glance if a schedule or the schedules for that day have over run the estimated runtime. There are a few preferences relating to the workload chart that can be changed according to the user's preference. For additional information on changing these preferences, refer to Setting Preferences for Charts.

The Workload Chart view displays the estimated run time and real run time of completed jobs for the day. A progress bar at the bottom of the chart indicates how many jobs from the workload have finished and how many are still waiting or running. The Schedule Name or the Date appears above the workload chart. In order for the schedule and jobs information to display in the Workload Chart view, you must first click on the Listen for selection changes in other views button on the Workload Chart toolbar.

The Send the current selection to other views button must also be activated in another view (e.g., List and/or Matrix).

Workload Chart Toolbar

The Workload Chart view also has a toolbar that allows you to perform actions in the view. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

Workload Chart toolbar

Creating and Saving Custom Diagrams

To create and save a custom diagram:

  1. Double-click on List under the Operation topic. The Daily list screen displays.
  2. Double-click on Workload Chart under the Operation topic. The Workload Chart screen displays.
  3. Click and drag (using the left mouse button) the Workload Chart tab to the right side of the screen.
  4. Look for the mouse to change to an arrow symbol pointing to the right then release the Workload Chart tab.
  5. Click to activate the Listen for selection changes in other views on the Workload Chart toolbar.
  6. Click to activate the Send the current selection change to other views button on the Daily list toolbar.
  7. Click on a date or click on a date then a schedule to view.
  8. Click on View Menu (arrow pointing down) on the Workload Chart toolbar.
  9. Click on Take Screenshot. The Image Preview dialog displays.
  10. Click the Save button to save the image or click the OK button to close the dialog. :::