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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Matrix View

The Matrix view is used to provide an alternative way to view and to update job information by way of a grid format.

When on the screen, it displays a calendar showing the days that have schedules in the Daily tables, a list of schedules for the current day, and a Job Matrix table. The Job Matrix table shows all of the jobs in the selected schedule. In order for the schedule and jobs information to display in the Gantt, PERT, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Workload Chart views, you must first activate the Send the current selection to other views button on the Matrix toolbar.

The Listen for selection changes in other views button must also be activated in the views that receive the schedule and job information (e.g., Gantt, PERT, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Workload Chart views).

Matrix Toolbar

The Matrix view also has a toolbar that allows you to perform actions in the view. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

Matrix toolbar

Job Matrix Table

The Matrix view contains a table for all jobs that belong to the selected schedule for a selected day. The Job Matrix table provides the columnar information listed below. The column order can be set to the user's preference. In order to change the order of a column, click on the column heading of the column to be moved and drag the column to the preferred location. Each column value will also be displayed in a tool tip by hovering over a row.


If the "Show Job Containers" preference is turned off, the Job Matrix table will not show the Container jobs. For more information on this setting, refer to Setting Preferences from Enterprise Manager.

  • Machine Name: The name of the OpCon machine used by the job in each row of the matrix.
  • Schedule Name: The name of the OpCon schedule in each row of the matrix.
  • Job Name: The name of the OpCon job in each row of the matrix.
  • Department: The department of the OpCon schedule in each row of the matrix.
  • Local Start Time: The time calculated for the job to start based on where the EM is running. This value will only be displayed in the tool tip.
  • Server Start Time: The actual date and time the job started on the OpCon Server.
    • When a job has not yet started, the clock icon appears in front of the time to indicate that the value is an estimated start time.
    • When a job has started, the actual start time appears without the clock.
  • Server End Time: The date and time the job ended.
    • When a job has not ended, the clock icon appears in front of the word "Running" to indicate that the job has not ended.
    • When a job has ended, the actual end time appears without the clock.
  • Duration: The amount of time it took the job in each row of the matrix to run.
  • Job Status: The status of the job in each row of the matrix.
  • Priority: Displays the priority defined for each job.
  • Term Description: This column contains the termination description of the job in each row of the matrix.

Matrix Right-click Menus

In the Matrix view, the right-click menus for schedules and jobs are the same as those in the List view. For more information, refer to Operations Right-click Menus.

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