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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Pie Chart View

The Pie Chart view is used to represent a schedule that provides corresponding colors for the job statuses. There are a few preferences relating to the pie chart that can be changed according to your preference. For additional information on changing these preferences, refer to Setting Preferences for Charts.

When on thePie Chart screen, it shows a pie chart representation of jobs grouped together by status for either a schedule or a day. When displaying for a day, the job counts include all jobs on the day, including jobs in subschedules. When displaying for a schedule, the job counts all of the jobs, but not the jobs in any subschedules.


If the "Show Job Containers" preference is turned off, the job counts in the pie chart will not include the Container jobs. For more information on this setting, refer to Setting Preferences from Enterprise Manager.

The Schedule Name or the Date appears above the pie. In order for the schedule and jobs information to display in the Pie Chart view, you must first click on the Listen for selection changes in other views button on the Pie Chart toolbar.

The Send the current selection to other views button must also be activated in another view (e.g., List and/or Matrix).

Pie Chart Toolbar

The Pie Chart view also has a toolbar that allows you to perform actions in the view. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

Pie Chart toolbar

Pie Chart Right-click Menu

The Pie Chart view also has the following right-click menu options:

  • Jobs list: This will open the Jobs <job status name> dialog and display the jobs that match the selection of the pie. The dialog provides buttons to Edit Master and Edit Daily.
  • Refresh Chart: This will refresh the displayed items in the pie chart.

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