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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using PERT View

The PERT view provides the best view for the schedule's individual jobs and the job dependency relationships. There are a few preferences relating to the PERT view that can be changed according to your preference. For additional information on changing these preferences, refer to Preferences for Update Sites. For information on error messages displayed for failed jobs, refer to Operations Machine Messages in the Concepts online help.

When on the PERT screen, it displays the job dependency relationships and the job's current status in simple schedules. In order for the schedule and jobs information to display in the PERT view, you must first select a schedule within another view (e.g., List or Matrix) and activate the Listen for selection changes in other views button on the PERT toolbar.

The Send the current selection to other views button must also be activated in another view (e.g., Daily List and/or Matrix ). In order to refer to the changes simultaneously in both views, refer to the Synchronizing Data between List and PERT Views procedure.

PERT View Toolbar

The PERT view also has a toolbar that allows you to perform actions in the view. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

PERT View toolbar

PERT View Right-click menu

Right-click on one of the jobs displayed in the PERT view to display the following items:

  • Job: Refer to Job Right-click Menu.
  • Open SubSchedule: When a Container job is selected, selecting this menu option will change the display to show the jobs in the subschedule.
  • Find: Selecting this menu item will open the Find a Job dialog.
  • Isolate: These items relate to the display regarding jobs dependencies.
    • Previous Dependencies: This menu item displays all preceding jobs in a dependent chain.
    • Subsequent Dependencies: This menu item displays all subsequent jobs in a dependent chain.
    • Dependency Chain: This menu item displays an entire dependency chain (e.g., is preceding critical path and subsequent jobs).
    • Shortest Path: This option shows the shortest path among all of the dependency chains to the job selected.
  • Layout: Selecting this menu item opens the sub-menu allowing one to change the layout format of the display. The choices are:
    • Top to Bottom: Selecting this item will change the display to a vertical tree layout.
    • Left to Right: Selecting this item will change the display to a horizontal tree layout.
  • Zoom In: Selecting this menu item will change the zoom action for the diagram. Options include: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%, 150%, and 200%. Each time 'zoom in' is selected the display will increase to the next greater percentage available.
  • Zoom Out: Selecting this menu item will change the zoom action for the display. The display will decrease to next lower percentage available.
  • Print: Selecting this menu item opens the Print dialog which allows one to print the diagram on view.
  • Take Screenshot: Selecting this menu item will provide the function to take a screenshot and save the visible area of the current view.

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