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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Gantt View

The Gantt view displays the estimated length and chronological order of jobs by schedule. For the display to be accurate, the average run time of jobs must be calculated frequently by the SMA_JOBAVG utility. Refer to SMA Job Average in the Concepts online help. There are a few preferences relating to the Gantt view that can be changed according to your preference. For additional information on changing these preferences, refer to Setting Preferences for Gantt.

When on the Gantt screen displays schedule dates and all of the jobs (in start time order) on all schedules for a selected day. If job dependencies exist, lines connect the dependent jobs. In order for the schedule and jobs information to display in the Gantt view, you must first activate the Listen for selection changes in other views button on the Gantt toolbar.

The Send the current selection to other views button must also be activated in another view (e.g., Daily list and/or Matrix).


The Gantt screen will only display first-level schedule jobs. This means that the individual jobs on a subschedule will not be displayed although the Container job will be shown.

Gantt View Toolbar

The Gantt view also has a toolbar that allows you to perform actions in the view. Click on any specific icon on the toolbar below to learn more about its functionality.

Gantt View toolbar

Gantt View Right-click Menu

Right-clicking in the Gantt view will show the following menu items:

  • Zoom in: Selecting this menu item will change the display by allowing more time to be allocated to each time column. Therefore showing less time on the entire screen.
  • Zoom out: Selecting this menu item will change the display by allowing more time to be allocated to the entire screen display. Continuing to zoom out will eventually change the time allocation per column from hours to days.
  • Find Job: Selecting this menu item will open the Find a Job dialog. The jobs from the currently displayed schedule will be displayed in the Find a Job dialog.

Right-clicking on a Job icon will show several job-related menu items. Refer to Job Right-click Menu for more detail.

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