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Version: OpCon

Viewing SAP BW Job Details

To view an SAP BW job, you must have the required privileges as defined in Required Privileges.

Editing SAP BW Job Details

  1. To edit a SAP BW job, go to Library > Master Jobs.
  2. Select a SAP BW job in the list.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Expand the Task Details panel to expose its content.

In the SAP BW Definition frame:

  • Process Chain Name: Defines the name of the Business Warehouse job as defined in the SAP Business Warehouse system.
  • Click on the search button to open the SAP Query dialog.

In the SAP Query dialog:

  • Machine: Defines the SAP BW LSAM Machine name.
  • Language: Defines the two-character language abbreviation (e.g., enter EN for English).
  • Chain: Defines text matching the name of the desired Process Chain in the SAP Business Warehouse system. If unsure of the whole process chain name, use wildcards (*) to expand the search.
  • Description: Defines text matching the description of the desired Process Chain in the SAP Business Warehouse system. If unsure of the whole description, use wildcards (*) to expand the search.
  • Click on the search button to initiates a request to the SAP BW system to retrieve all Process Chain names matching the search criteria.
  • Select a process chain from the list and click Ok to assign it to the process chain name in the SAP BW Daily Job Definition.

Click the Undo button if you wish to undo your changes for any reason.

Click the Save button to update any changes on this screen.

More Information

For conceptual information, refer to SAP BW Jobs in the Concepts online help.